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I want to add values 

memory_limit = -1
max_execution_time = 999999
max_input_time = 999999
upload_max_filesize = 10G
post_max_size = 10G

Or do you want the highest value you can give me? ❤️




You'll need a VPS for that. We generally do not increase the memory limits, and the execution time is capped too (though we can temporarily increase it for software installs if needed, but it won't be left that way).

The file size ones are pointless considering your account is only 1000MB in size...


Your account is currently in violation of the Terms of Service due to the presence of pirated software.

Please remove Wowonder and all of its data and files from the bondo subdomain immediately or you will be subject to suspension for copyright infringement (which may be permanent). We do not allow nulled/pirated software.

1 minute ago, hayahsocial2024 said:

I was just trying to host it, nothing more. 

it's still pirated software which is against our ToS.


Hello, my account tells me that I have reached the maximum limit of 1000m I want to delete some files zip Because it takes up space and I did not delete it, that is why my account is suspended. I want to delete it to reduce space. 


All HelioHost staff are volunteers who help our in their free time. We all have full time jobs and lives outside of this project. We run this organization in our free time, and if we don't have very much free time things don't get done very quickly.

Bumping request threads as you have done above makes you seem rude and impatient. Would you rush to give up your free time to help someone who was being rude and impatient and who has already been caught breaking the rules on 1) having multiple accounts and 2) using pirated software? 

Most for-profit hosting companies have a staff of full time employees who sit around providing support and working 40 hours a week. It's very rare for any of our volunteers to work more than an hour or so each day. None of our volunteers are required to log a certain number of hours and may come and go as they please.

If we aren't having fun volunteering, providing support, chatting with the community, and developing new features then we take a break and do things that are more fun for us. This is why we don't have SLAs or ETAs for new features or repairs, and this is why things move a little slower than a for-profit company that you might be used to dealing with. You can read more about who we do not have ETAs here: https://wiki.helionet.org/ETA 

Since you have raised another duplicate thread in for the same unsuspension request, it will be dealt with here: https://helionet.org/index/topic/63744-i-want-to-return-the-hosting-because-i-dont-know-how-to-log-in-to-it/

While you wait for our root admins to consider unsuspending your account, please go and re-read our Terms of Service here so you are familiar with what is permitted on our service: https://wiki.helionet.org/Terms 

Since you have already broken the rules twice, I would recommend you also make sure you review our Three-Strike Policy: https://wiki.helionet.org/Suspension_Policy#Three-Strike_Policy 


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