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[Solved] Request for nginx proxy for UDP socket

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1 hour ago, ocarina said:


Since we provide free hosting we get a lot of criminals trying to abuse our free service. We suspend them as quickly as possible, but sometimes antivirus and malware scanners flag anything.helioho.st as malware because it's seen too many bad sites. We do have an affiliate program with Namecheap if you're interested in purchasing a domain. This domain is only $1.49 for the first year https://heliohost.org/partners/namecheap/ocarina.cfd You may need to disable your adblocker to use that link.


We got the app to start finally (file permission issues) and it is listening on 7777. Krydos has to set up the proxy on our side...


I was re-adding all the logging that you removed from my start/stop script. The logging is the most useful part of the whole thing and the only way you're going to know if it's working or not.


Looks like it's running though.


The memory looks fine, but your CPU is off the charts. Based on the last 25 minutes of your LocalAdmin process idling with zero users your monthly bill will be about $13.33. Adding any users to the server is likely going to make that even higher.

I recommend getting a VPS. I'm pretty sure a Mercury will run this just fine for $4 per month, and we can transfer your Morty payment and your storage space increase towards your VPS if you want. Another advantage to a VPS is you will have root access to start and stop processes which means you won't have to use that server_control system either.


I started a VPS building for you. You'll get an email with the IP addresses you can use to SSH in with after about 15 minutes. We'll leave the Morty account intact for now in case you decide to go back. Once we delete the Morty account we can transfer the $15 credit to the VPS and that will keep you paid for about 3.75 months.


Your Morty account has been deleted. Before I deleted it I made a full backup that you can download from https://heliohost.org/backup/if you need it.

Your $15 of credit has been moved to your VPS, and you'll get an email on June 22nd 2025 asking if you want to renew. The email will have a link to set up a subscription that will automatically bill every month from then on.

Let us know if you need help with anything else.

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