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Paid Domain


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Hello again HelioHost. And greetings from UTC -4:00 (Florida). I've got my rewrite working famously on Johnny, and now I'm ready to transfer my paid domain. I'd like to drop an appropriate donation; however, my current financial situation quite forbids this. Nevertheless, would I be able to do this move? I do fully intend to move to one of the lower response, higher availability servers at a not too distant date. Please advise. Thanks.

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You can absolutely get your paid domain added to your account. Users cannot yet add their own domains but admins can. Just let us know the full domain and if you want it as your new main domain or as an add-on alongside the free heliohost.us one you have now, and we can make the changes for you.

You can read more about add-on/subdomains/main domains here: https://wiki.helionet.org/management/main-domain and it explains how the folder layout will work when you have a main and also an add-on domain on an account to keep your files organized between them.


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Fantastic. Thank you for the link. I think what makes the most sense is to have my paid domain an alias of my corresponding heliohost.us sub. So:

ServerName: waltsblog.com

ServerAlias: waltsblog.heliohost.us

Or vice versa as per HelioHost architecture 

That said, the account name is walterpowell.

I'll work on the DNS records now.

Thanks KazVee

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It won't find it on its own. I have to actually add that domain on your account for our server to know about it. I just added it as an alias of waltsblog.heliohost.us, so it should show the same content as that domain once Apache restarts (can take up to 2 hours).

Once the site is working, Plesk should eventually reissue the certs to include it. It will take several hours beyond the initial wait for SSL to fully set up and work properly.


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