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[Solved] The following errors were found : The license key is invalid. In order to use Plesk, please obtain and install a new valid license key. Your license key has expired. To continue using Plesk, buy a non-expiring commercial license key.


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  The following errors were found :

  • The license key is invalid. In order to use Plesk, please obtain and install a new valid license key. Your license key has expired. To continue using Plesk, buy a non-expiring commercial license key.
  • https://www.plesk.com/pricing/
  • Will I have to buy this or You have to buy this?. Please Fix this issue
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You're right. I tried installing Wordpress for you, and sure enough it said the Plesk license was expired even though the license is good until 2025-08-02. I uninstalled Softaculous and reinstalled it and it works now. I installed Wordpress for you https://centre.aduxo.eu.org/

Please be aware that Wordpress is extremely bloated and slow, and is one of the top reasons why people get suspended for high load. We have a whole wiki page dedicated to how bad it is https://wiki.helionet.org/misc/wordpress

Keep a close eye on your dashboard load graph to make sure you don't go over 100 GB memory or over 10,000 CPU https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load/

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  • Krydos changed the title to [Solved] The following errors were found : The license key is invalid. In order to use Plesk, please obtain and install a new valid license key. Your license key has expired. To continue using Plesk, buy a non-expiring commercial license key.

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