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[Solved] My site doesn't work, username an4s911, domain anasbashir.helioho.st


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I opened a new account yesterday. I signed in to the tommy server portal, and played around with it. I tried connecting to it via SFTP but it didn't. After so many trials I gave up. I tried the `sftp` command first, then tried filezilla, and I also tried connecting to it via the Nautilus file manager's network connection option. Nothing work. And then after a while the whole website stopped worked. I can't access the tommy portal and the site itself gets timed out without connecting.

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Please don't keep trying over and over, doing so will result in the server blocking you completely, which is why everything stopped responding. You've been unblocked.

If your FTP account isn't working, try resetting your password. You can also manually change just FTP's password through Plesk.

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Alright. Thanks a lot, the site and portal works now. But please do guide me on getting the ftp connection.

This is what I've tried so far:

I am using the following details:

Protocol: SFTP
Host: tommy2.heliohost.org
Port: 1373

and for username and password i tried the following:

  • Tried the username and password I use to login to heliohost (the same ones that I use to login to plesk
  • In Plesk, under Websites & Domains -> Connection Info -> Manage Access -> Password, here I set a new password, and then saved it, and tried that too. And it still doesn't work.

Am I doing something wrong. And I don't wanna try different ones cause the server will block me again.

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Those are the correct settings. Make sure you're using the username, not email address, for the username. Other than that, I'll escalate this to Krydos to see if he has any additional insights.

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5 hours ago, an4s911 said:

then tried filezilla

Here's what your Filezilla settings should look like.


5 hours ago, an4s911 said:

I tried the `sftp` command

Here's what sftp command should look like

root@control [~]# sftp -oPort=1373 an4s911@tommy2.heliohost.org
The authenticity of host '[tommy2.heliohost.org]:1373 ([2001:470:1:1ee::2002]:1373)' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:XYCOOviohYA+fYhxWGH8qb+XrhhXnhaEKbP0J4CdGEw.
This key is not known by any other names
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '[tommy2.heliohost.org]:1373' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
an4s911@tommy2.heliohost.org's password:

One common mistake that Wolstech didn't already mention is your username is all lowercase so if you try something like username An4s911 it will block you for trying to bruteforce our server.

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I'm sorry if I am asking too much, but I want to get it cleared. So there are a few places that I am using/interactive with a password, which one should I use for the ftp?

  1. I am using a password to login to heliohost.org and I am using the same password to login to plesk as well
  2. When I click on Connection Info, I see the following screen, which also has a password, which I can change by clicking on the edit icon, so if I set a password here, then do i use that one instead?:
  3. And then when I click manage access I get to set a new password

I think number 2 and 3 and basically the same thing, but does it also change my primary password from number 1? Either of them?


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Actually one more thing is that when I do run the sftp command like: `sftp -oPort=1373 an4s911@tommy2.heliohost.org`, it is taking a really long time before it asks for the password, I mean really long, probably around 5 minutes, and when I enter the password it says "Connection closed". Similarly in FileZilla I mostly get time out errors.

This is on FileZilla:


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This is what it shows:

And I tried those commands:

$ telnet portquiz.net 1373
Connected to portquiz.net.
Escape character is '^]'.

$ nc -v portquiz.net 1373
Connection to portquiz.net ( 1373 port [tcp/*] succeeded!

$ curl portquiz.net:1373
Port test successful!
Your IP: ***

$ wget -qO- portquiz.net:1373
Port test successful!
Your IP: ***



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On 9/11/2024 at 6:06 AM, an4s911 said:

I mean really long, probably around 5 minutes

It must be your internet connection then. SFTP on Tommy takes about 5 seconds to connect and load the directory listing for me.

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Hi, I think it got blocked again. I didn't do that many. I tried entering the password like 3 times. And now I can't open Plesk again. Is 3 consecutive ftp password attempts the limit before being blocked?

Could you please unblock it for me again. Thank you.

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