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[Solved] How to proceed regarding additional requests for the same subject and same account?

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Posted (edited)

Hello, I made a request and you responded very swiftly. Thank you. But I made a additional request by replying to your answer, regarding the same subject. There has been no response yet.

Do I have to make a new request each time, by starting a new topic? Or did I do the right thing by continuing the conversation by replying to your message?

Thank you. 

Account: vvenet


Edited by vvenet

In this case, because the initial topic wasn't marked as [Solved] I don't think it makes too much of a difference between adding another request to the same post or making a new post entirely. 

All staff here are volunteers, so there is no set timescale when posts are replied to/actioned. We do get to things as quickly as we can though, in line with all the other things we have to do in life (work, school, family, etc.). You can read a little more about the ETAs for things here: https://wiki.helionet.org/hosting/repair-times 

For your request, I can only speak for myself why I haven't actioned it yet. You're requesting things like "remove all 'domainname.vvenet.heliohost.us' from your DNS and add 'domainname' instead" and I did not yet have the time to dig into substituting your "domainname" example for the actual values on the account because of the risk of human error on my part (and then even more time needed to resolve any mistakes I made by accident.).

You can login to Plesk to view all the actual domains and subdomains on your account. It may be clearer to confirm to us: 
1) the actual values of what domains or subdomains you want removed, and

2) the actual values of the domain names you want added.

Again, I can only speak for myself and my time, but if this detail had been on the initial request I'd have been more able to estimate the time needed to make the changes, without the risk of making mistakes because there'd have been an easy example/audit trail of the changes you wanted done.


Thank you for you reply dear KazVee. Yes I am aware that you all are volunteers so please do not feel rushed or anything like that. 🙂 Thank you for your tips. 

Request for now: can you please remove the following domain in my account: vvenet.heliohost.us including the four subdomains. So in total the removal of five domains. 

Thank you and kind regards


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The domain vvenet.heliohost.us cannot be removed because it is your main domain. It would need to be replaced with something else instead.

The other 4 domains have been removed.

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