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tradewithmadhan.helioho.st is my main domain.. 

Create subdomains suffix with sd01 ,sd02 , sd03, sd04,sd05,sd06,sd07,sd08,,sd09 and ,sd10

Please create this subdomains ..

Thanks and regards ,

Madan kumar.


I'm not adding 10 domains all at once to the account. Every domain we add slows the server down for everyone, and adding ten sequentially named domains is a complete waste of server resources, not to mention it exceeds the domain limit on the account (your main is 1, so you could only have 1-9 before hitting the maximum).

Also, for future reference, DO NOT bump your posts. All you're doing it moving yourself to the back of the line, as we always work oldest posts first. Excessive bumping may also lead to a ban for harassing staff. All support staff are volunteers, and the turnaround time on support requests can sometimes be upwards of 24 hours since we all have real lives outside of HelioHost.

I've added sd01 and sd02 as subdomains. Once you actually use them productively, let us know and we can consider adding more.

The domains may take up to 2 hours to work.


On 5/31/2024 at 10:19 PM, tradewithmadhan said:

Create subdomains suffix with sd01 ,sd02 , sd03, sd04,sd05,sd06,sd07,sd08,,sd09 and ,sd10

We used to allow unlimited domains, but people like you ruined it for everyone by adding hundreds of pointless domains and causing our uptime to drop because of there being too many domains on the server.

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