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[Solved] Subscription was suspended

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Warning: Subscription was suspended. All your sites are not available.

dear one, 

please let me know what is going on with such situations. 

how I can continue with using this service and what was problem which trigger such situations 

thanks in advance 



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The account is full mostly because of a file called plastenik.csv that takes up 964.32MB of your 1000MB. Do you want me to delete it so you can access your account?

Alternately, you can buy extra space for $5/1000MB, with a maximum of $25 for 6000MB (space beyond 6000MB will require a VPS). If you would like to do this, you can paypal the money to us (admin@heliohost.org) or use any of the donation links, then post the transaction ID so we can add the space to your account.

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