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Hello !

I'm trying to restaure a website coming from another host but I'm facing the following error : UpdraftPlus Restore error: 504
I've deactivate the firewall but the problem seems to come from a proxy according what I've found on internet. What can I do ? Thank you


I tried with firewall and without firewall : it happens everytime

And everytime the website become unavailable, I loose wp-admin access, because the website is locked in kind of maintenance mode without possibility to login at all, so I rebuild a fresh WP


I've increased the proxy timeout on that domain from 60 seconds up to 180 seconds so maybe it won't give that error again, but I want to make an observation: Tools are meant to make things quicker and easier. Dumping the database to an .sql file, zipping the files, and restoring the backup to transfer a Wordpress site to another host takes like 5 minutes. How much time should you waste trying to get this transfer tool to work? Should we spend 5 days trying different things to make this Updraft tool work when it only takes 5 minutes to do it manually? Would you spend 5 days driving somewhere when you could walk there in 5 minutes? If it still gives that error after 180 seconds we could try increasing it more.


Dear Krydos,

Thank you for your advice and I totally agree with you. But I have no clue on transferring a WP website without tools for noobs like me. I also do not have access to the ftp server neither to the database, I took the backup from a host that gives WP admin access only.
However, if you have a better tool than Updraft to advice, please let me know.
Thank you


hello, easiest and best way is to use (All in one WP migration) plug-in quickly migrate wordpress sites and keep backups. it is very popular one and has a lot of tutorials on how to do it on youtube.


@garrigue Let us know if the All In One WP Migration tool works for you. If it doesn't we could try randomly increasing the timeout again to maybe 5 minutes this time.

@artistwalks Thanks for the suggestion. All of the HelioHost staff, myself included, hate Wordpress with a passion because it is constantly getting hacked and causing high load so none of us will touch it with a 10 foot pole. Therefore we know very little about plugins for Wordpress.


Hi @Krydos,

I'm willing to use the all in one WP Migration plugin but I need you to increase the Maximum upload file size: to 600Mb please

I'm using PHP 7.4.33

Thank you

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