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[Solved] Missing packages for Python web app


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Hello everyone, This is my first post, I just registered. 

I am trying to work with a web application that combines PHP, a MySQL database and Python, and I am currently unable to make the Python code work. The website should allow the user to register, login, upload images, and then make an analysis of the images using Python. 

I am not an expert programmer, so I'm not fully sure about the problem, but it seems there are some packages of Python that I use but are not installed in the server (I use tommy2). The version of Python that I use is 3.10 and the packages that are apparently missing are: [__future__; abc; collections; csv; dataclasses; dotenv; fastapi; glob; io; magic; matplotlib; mysql; numpy; os; PIL; pydantic; six; tensorflow; typing; uuid]

Can somebody please help me? If there are more details needed, I am happy to provide them. 

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The Python module tensorflow isn't support on the Johnny or Tommy plan. VPS and Morty will support tensorflow though. VPS start at $4 per month, and Morty will start at $1 per month. VPS are available immediately, and Morty will be released in the next few months.

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  • Krydos changed the title to [Solved] Missing packages for Python web app

Thanks, it seems that I'll need a VPS. I'm not expecting to have lots of traffic, and I want the website to make image analysis, and to be extended to other types of data processing. Which VPS do you reccommend? Can I use Mercury for testing and then upgrade? 

Edit: I'm checking and I use windows 10 for developing the site. Is that compatible with the server? Apart from it, is there a tutorial on how to set up the site? Thanks

Edited by alfredopg
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6 hours ago, alfredopg said:

I want the website to make image analysis, and to be extended to other types of data processing. Which VPS do you reccommend?

The Mercury VPS comes with 1 GB memory. In my experience image analysis can use quite a bit of memory so you might be better off going with the $7 Venus plan. On your development system you could open a task manager and try to see how much memory the script uses while analyzing images. The OS uses about 300 MB so you'll have about 700 MB to work with before your VPS starts to swap and gets much slower. Depending on whether your image analysis is multithreaded you might benefit from more than 2 CPUs as well.

6 hours ago, alfredopg said:

Can I use Mercury for testing and then upgrade?

Yeah, upgrading a VPS is pretty easy. I'm actually working on a new VPS upgrade billing system so that will make it even easier.

6 hours ago, alfredopg said:

I use windows 10 for developing the site. Is that compatible with the server? Apart from it, is there a tutorial on how to set up the site?

The servers run Linux, not Windows, so the main thing you need to do is use an editor that can save files into Linux format. I use the free visual studio code and set line endings to \n instead of the default \r\n. There are tons of tutorials on the internet depending on what you want to do. The VPS just come as a bare operating system with no web server or anything. If you're not too familiar with Linux SSH we can install a free control panel such as Hestia for you as well. Plesk is not free so if you want to use that on your VPS it will be $13.50 extra on top of your VPS price per month. So a Mercury with Plesk would be $17.50 per month total.

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