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[Solved] Suspended: michaelwschmidt

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I've read over the terms of service, I still need help figuring out how I got suspended.  

I've been struggling to migrate/load my database for days....so I'm sure it has something to do with that.  It should only be 20ish GB in size.

Sorry and Thanks,

USERNAME:   michaelwschmidt
SERVER:   tommy2.heliohost.org
MAIN DOMAIN:  mikey.helioho.st


Also, I did try logging in in incognito mode, still suspended.




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Crashed PostgreSQL crashed MySQL and over 11 GB storage used.

You crashed the server and caused downtime for 3000+ other websites, and were over quota by nearly double. A 20GB database will not fit even on the largest Tommy account (which has a disk space limit of only 6000MB).

You're well into VPS territory with a 20GB database.

I'll let Krydos decide if he wants to unsuspend you...

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2 hours ago, michaelwschmidt said:

It should only be 20ish GB in size.

Yeah, we can help you transfer your database to a VPS if you want. They start at $4 per month, and would handle a 20 GB database just fine. Like Wolstech already said our largest Tommy or Johnny account can hold 6 GB so you're never going to fit a 20 GB database into that.

2 hours ago, michaelwschmidt said:

I've read over the terms of service, I still need help figuring out how I got suspended.

You crashed PostgreSQL and caused several hours of downtime for thousands of other users so I fixed it, and then emailed you to let you know about it. You ignored my email, and proceeded to crash MySQL and Plesk for several more hours for thousands of users instead of talking to us. If someone accidentally causes downtime I tend to give them a second chance and let them know what they did wrong, but since you ignored us and made things 10 times worse you definitely deserve a suspension.

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  • Krydos changed the title to [Solved] Suspended: michaelwschmidt

Oh I'm an idiot. I'm use to seeing things in GB  😖...ok so I have only 5GB of storage.  

Holy crap!  I am so f'in sorry for taking down the system.  What is the quota again,  I couldn't find it.  

Yeah, I should probably be banned for life!   
I didn't get an email, sorry.....and I checked my spam folder.

I do have 2 projects that are small, if I could not be banned, that would help me....but I wouldn't blame you all.





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7 hours ago, michaelwschmidt said:

I do have 2 projects that are small, if I could not be banned, that would help me

Unsuspended. Please stop trying to cram 20 GB of database into a 5 GB account. I'm actually a little disappointed in Plesk for not stopping you before you even started importing the data.

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Yes, I now know how much space I have. Thanks for unsuspending my account!  

And thanks for clarifying quota, I thought you were referring to bandwidth. I couldn't find a quota on bandwidth.   I don't see me using a lot of bandwidth with my small projects.

Oh I did find the email, for some reason searching "Helio" didn't work in Gmail, crazy right. I had to search heliohost.  It got buried in my email....so sorry. 

Thanks again, and again I am so truly sorry for not paying attention 😞 and bringing the system down. 



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13 hours ago, michaelwschmidt said:

I couldn't find a quota on bandwidth.

Bandwidth is unlimited, but we do monitor memory and CPU usage. Generally the more bandwidth you use the more memory and CPU you use as well. Well designed websites can have 100 GB of bandwidth and not get suspended, but poorly designed websites, such as Wordpress, can get suspended for 100 MB of bandwidth since Wordpress is so bloated and resource hungry.

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