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[Solved] Suspension: davisgarrad

Davis Garrad

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I'm not really sure why my account got suspended - the site that I had up was just for live data viewing from a physics experiment. I think the amount of requests may have something to do with it. If you guys could look into this that would be great.

After peeking at some of the other suspension reports and thinking back, it's likely an error log just grew to over a gigabyte, as I know my code has some errors that would've just accumulated. My apologies, as I didn't even consider this as a possible issue.



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  • Davis Garrad changed the title to Suspension: davisgarrad
Reason: High load and over quota by 800 MB anyways.

Yeah, if you're slamming it with a lot of requests, you'll cause high load, and as you kind of expected you also ran out of disk space.

I'll let Krydos handle this since he was the one who suspended you.

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Thanks for the response. I'm not too experienced in this, so how many requests is too many? I was sending about 1/s, each a get request with I think 9 parameters (data upload). The website itself (client side, so each instance) would pull data (pretty well a whole table of 16kB or so I think) every 0.9s if I remember right as well.

Edit: Just realized I can perform database writes directly 🤦‍♂️ instead of filling a hidden form programmatically. That should reduce load by a bit I'm sure.

Edited by Davis Garrad
realized that I've been doing dumb stuff
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First of all, here's what your disk usage looks like. Keep in mind your account is limited to 1000 MB.

Backups       0 MB
Emails        0 MB
Files       .12 MB
Logs    1783.26 MB
PSQL          0 MB
MySQL       .35 MB
Total   1783.73 MB

Your error_log is 1.7 GB on its own. I emptied it and unsuspended your account. Here is what your load graph for the last 24 hours looks like.


As you can see your memory usage and CPU usage spiked quite a bit right before you were suspended. Obviously the load dropped to zero when your account was suspended. Your logs were set up to rotate daily and keep 14 days worth of logs. You got 1.7 GB of errors in less than 1 day so obviously 1.7 GB multiplied by 14 is 23.8 GB of logs, which isn't acceptable when you're allowed to have 1000 MB. I instead changed your logging policy to rotate after 10 MB and keep 14 files so roughly 140 MB of logs will be kept. It might be a good idea to take a look at the error log and fix all of your PHP errors anyways. Let us know if you need help with any of that.

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