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You can probably do that with a cron job yourself. Just be sure to delete the cron afterwards so it doesn't run over and over.


How can I do this? I tried it with „Schedule a task“ and Command but then it outputs an error „python: command not found“

/usr/bin/python3.10 -m spacy download de_core_news_sm

If you use "python" without a version or path you'll probably end up with Python 2.7.

  • Confused 1
  • Krydos changed the title to [Solved] Python Library

Are you using /usr/bin/python3.10 like I said or /usr/bin/Python3.10 like you typed? Linux is case sensitive so a capital P would cause that error.

  • Krydos changed the title to Python Library
  • 3 weeks later...

It's been over 2 weeks with no response so I'm going to assume you got it working and close this topic as solved. If you're still having issues with it feel free to create a new topic in customer service.

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