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Peace2u.heliohost.org is stated ready to plesk go but I don't see any link in my email, maybe I missed it. Thanks 👍

  On 1/9/2023 at 2:11 PM, fuzmic said:

Peace2u.heliohost.org is stated ready to plesk go but I don't see any link in my email, maybe I missed it. Thanks 👍


Did you click the "Move my account" button at the bottom?


There should be a button in the "move to plesk" email you received as moneybrz described. If you didn't get the notification email or the button is missing, let us know and Krydos can resend it for you. The message ends up in spam for many people...if it's in there, please "Not spam" it as well.


Just trying my hand after transfer so here some feedback & some points hope to clear.

I use (old no I think is 66.??) can get to public_html to rename .htaccess to . htaccessab. I  clear my browser cache, so no 500 error but when I browse it takes long time, I think it did not resolve.

I think I am not getting to new control panel even it shows I am in Johnny 

Like to understand more

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Now even with no .htacess & clear browser cache, seem 500 err is staying.  Need a helping hand when you guys are free


Can access plesk panel if I don't use UC browser


The IP for Plesk Johnny is the same as for old Johnny: You listed a different one above, so check that your DNS is correct.


Topo error, I am correctly using  I can't resolve the 500 err even with no .htaccess. Stuck! 


Fixed. It was because your .htaccess in public_html had Options lines in it. Plesk does not support the Options command in .htaccess at this time.


One new issue

Lots warnings at start .. Why it only appear using UC browser

Wolstech@ I don't see any .htaccess in public_html so why 500 err still occur which is now fixed


There is an .htaccess in there...I edited it through the admin side of Plesk, so it's definitely there. Is there an option for hidden or dot files you need to turn on in the file manager perhaps? It is considered a hidden file since it's name starts with .

As for UC browser, odds are its engine does something different than other browsers if you see things there that others don't show. I've never even heard of it until now. If your concern is seeing warning messages on your website, you can disable the error reporting for PHP to suppress them. If you're seeing error messages in Plesk, it's likely not a supported browser.


Thank you wolstech for your caring response.  UC browser I post them a prompt in this issue. lets wait if they reply before I thinker with error reporting.


There is however a nagging phenomenon that I hope you can assist.  I use mobile Total commander to FTP to & that's from this way I don't see . htaccess. Before plesk I use then I see . htaccess.  From plesk file manager I do see . htaccess which I now rename to . htaccessab.

In mobile Total commander configuration is set 'show files starting with dot' last time & now

Another to resolve discrepancy is you said my new address is but the first info stated Which should I use.


You're on Johnny at the moment, so you should be at

The .77 IP is the main IP address for Tommy, but not everyone on Tommy uses that IP for their website. Tommy actually has multiple IPs, so users over there need to look in Plesk to determine which IP is assigned to their website.


Wolstech thank you for the clarification.  Actually I had checked, plesk it says 67.


New item in learning curve ..on SSL

I use lets encrypted in past that requires 3 months renewal 

From plesk which also using let's encrypted, it say it will be it will auto renew with a date. I assume it is do so ie auto renewed by plesk then. Ok?


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