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[Solved] WordPress Multisite in Plesk


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I recently registered my account with Tommy. I'm new to Plesk and I don't know if I'm doing something wrong.

I have installed Wordpress via Plesk control panel and set up a multisite network. In my DNS manager (cloudflare) I have configured a wildcard record as the CNAME of my main domain. I have changed the settings for "wp-config.php" and ".htaccess" as suggested by the WordPress settings page.

The problem is that when trying to enter a previously created subsite from the network administrator, the default page generated by Plesk appears.

I have previously done this when cPanel was available in Tommy and it worked fine.

Could someone help me with this issue?

Thank you,
All the best.

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Nope, it's because the server itself needs to be told what account the subdomains belong to. Apache has what are known as virtual hosts, basically a config for each domain that tells Apache to use specific settings for that domain (the most important of those settings being the document root).

The problem here is that Apache has no idea what these subdomains you set up in WP Multisite are, so it shows the default page. In the cPanel days this default page would've been the queued page, but Plesk has its own server default page instead (I'm sure it could be replaced with the old queued page if we wanted, might just be something we didn't bother to do). 

The wildcard *.tcgserver.cf (I'm assuming this is the domain in question, that site is running WP, if it's not, please correct me) needs to be added as a domain in Plesk so Apache knows what to serve when it receives a request for anything.tcgserver.cf.

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