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Do you have a license for it? Plesk as a program isn't free. If you're looking to use Plesk, you'd need to either be a user on our shared servers when that becomes available for new accounts, or you'd need to buy your own copy of it to run your own server. (This does beg the question of whether our license would allow this since it would technically be running on an HH server...even if it's a dedicated/single user VPS...but it is not what they intended when they gave us our license).

If you just want a control panel on your VPS, Hestia is a common free choice for VPS users.


Plesk is an additional $11 per month on top of the current price of your VPS. Like Wolstech already said most of our users prefer to go with the free Hestia CP which we can install for you. If you're alright with paying $16 per month for your VPS we can install Plesk for you. Also keep in mind that a VPS must be in a brand new clean state in order to install any control panel. So if you've already installed anything we would need to wipe the VPS, reinstall the OS, and then install the control panel. You get 1 free rebuild per month so reinstalling the OS wouldn't cost you, but you'd need to make a backup of anything you have on the VPS because it will all be deleted. 

7 hours ago, wolstech said:

This does beg the question of whether our license would allow this since it would technically be running on an HH server...even if it's a dedicated/single user VPS...but it is not what they intended when they gave us our license

Since the VPS aren't managed by us I don't think the non-profit discount would apply to them, nor am I going to ask. We might be able to get a reseller discount though. That might be worth looking in to if enough people want to use Plesk on their VPS.


I must have missed it as i dont recall Hestia CP being mentioned.  Trying to set things up and play with kids can do that, my fault and i do apologize. If you can setup the Hestia CP then, that would be very much appreciated.  Thank you for your time!

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