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I am trying to add a .pp.ua domain to my account on Tommy since yesterday.


[Error: (XID j9eafb) Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers...]


Nameservers are correctly set to







Had thought at first, that the DNS propagation is just a bit slow from the Ukraine. But as adding the domain for testing to cloudflare and even to byethost worked, the problem seems to be elsewhere. (And DNS propagation shows a perfect mishmash of all three nameserver bundles now.)


Would be nice to get a hint, what to try or if adding .pp.ua is just not possible on heliohost.




These are a known problem domain. Their systems don't follow industry standards. Usually the registrar is supposed to set up, then the host verifies the domain is pointed to them and sets up the domain on the hosting account. These noncompliant ones expect the opposite (host must set up first, but host refuses to set up since its waiting for the domain to set up, meanwhile the domain is waiting for the host to set up...you get the idea), and refuse to advertise name servers that aren't set up for the domain.


The only way a user can add these themselves is as a main domain, an admin has to manually add them if you want them as an alias or addon (when we add on our end, the system skips the name server check and just adds it).

The system successfully parked (aliased) the domain “anachoreta.pp.ua” on top of the domain “anachor.heliohost.us”.

There you go :) Odds are the registrar will update the records shortly and publish the NS for us now. Please remove the cloudflare records. We are unable to provide support for users using CF since we cannot see or control the DNS records with CF enabled.


So they do it the same way as the denic. Thought something like that might be the case, therefore tested the two others and was wondering seeing working and too, that I could find .pp.ua domains hosted by heliohost.


Since I do not dare - and do not want to break anything (although the NS are now propagated), I do not want to try to delete them as an alias and add it as an addon domain myself.


It would be great if you could help me with this too, or tell me that I could do that myself.


Thank you for the nice service and thank you in advance for the domain deparking.


Kindest regards,




If you need it as an addon, create a subdomain of your main domain that will hold that domain, then let me know. I can remove the alias and re-park it on the sub. (An addon is just that internally, an alias parked on a subdomain).




Have added


for the pp.ua as a Subdomain.


I will probably encounter the same problem with .EU.org wich is still on hold?


As it is late and Tommy's FTP server is timing since an hour and doesn't let me in:

good night and thank you for your patience!


As it is late and Tommy's FTP server is timing since an hour and doesn't let me in:

I tested FTP, FTPS, and SFTP on Tommy and they all connected within a few seconds.

Yeah, eu.org is another one that's not supported for the same reason.


The full list of known bad domains is: any .pp.ua, .eu.org, or .br (country TLS for Brazil), any domain purchased through cloudflare, and any domain purchased through OVH. Pretty much everything else works (though a few things like afraid.org's freeDNS have extra steps involved).


I'll get the domain moved over to that subdomain in the morning when I'm at a computer next (should be about 9 hours from now).


I tested FTP, FTPS, and SFTP on Tommy and they all connected within a few seconds.

Found the error:

As I had just switched from Johnny, I had to reconfigure the SFTP settings, in the Cpanel the following are to be found:



SFTP host: tommy.heliohost.org

SFTP port: 1373

SFTP protocol: SFTP

SFTP logon type: Normal


Which is Johnny's port, therefore the timeout. Google and some coffee helped me finding the correct one,1342.


With this, the connection via sftp works perfectly.


Had not tried ftps this night, there the data given in the cpanel would have been correct, ftps connects as well.





Your domain has been reconfigured to use that subdomain :)

Thank you!


After a little research, I found a quick and dirty solution at least for .eu.org. This should also work for the other "bad domains".



1. create a free account at



2. create the domain there,


3. change the nameserver at nic.eu.org to he.net,


4. add the two nameservers from Heliohost in the he.net panel,

(All five ns from he.net and the two from heliohost get propagated)


5. add the domain in the heliohost Cpanel,


6. change nameserver at nic.eu.org to Heliohost.




As I had just switched from Johnny, I had to reconfigure the SFTP settings, in the Cpanel the following are to be found:


SFTP host: tommy.heliohost.org

SFTP port: 1373

SFTP protocol: SFTP

SFTP logon type: Normal


Which is Johnny's port, therefore the timeout. Google and some coffee helped me finding the correct one,1342.

Yeah, I've tried to find a way to fix that bug. I'm not sure why the port number doesn't update. My plan is to eventually move Tommy to port 1373 as well. Since more and more people are changing servers than they did years ago it's unnecessarily confusing to have different ports. Ricky used to be port 1312, but I'm switching him to 1373 for this rebuild.

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