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Hi Heliohost!


I have a question regarding angular application deploy on Tommy server.
Is there currently a guide or correct way to deploy?
Try to do it today by following the guide on this page: https://wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/node.js
I did the build of the angular application, to have the index.html files and others.
I managed to successfully start the node server, and through express, I send the index.html file through the following instruction:
app.get ('/ *', (req, res) => res.sendFile (path.join (__ dirname + '/dist/index.html')));
Locally it works perfectly when I run "node app.js" command, but placing the files on the server works partially since it opens a blank web page and correctly loads the name of the application in the browser tab, but does not load the application as such. In the browser console, I have too some errors (as showed in attachement post-166096-0-90436000-1616534787_thumb.png).
In the attachement the code I use.
Do you have any suggestions for me?
Thank you very much for your time.
I take this opportunity to congratulate you for your excellent work!





According to this guy

Apparently, passenger from cpanel doesn't support angular universal at the time. But I found a very detailed article about starting your angular universal application on cpanel using 'Terminal' or 'SSh Access' tool...

Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61675707/angular-universal-working-on-localhost-but-not-in-cpanel-with-passenger


The article he links is a guide for if you have ssh access to the server, which we don't offer on our free shared hosting accounts. It sounds like you'll need a vps to run angular.

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That means, for now, is not possible do an angular deploy in my Heliohost account?


Do you knows if that "feature" will be included in Heliohost?


Thanks very much for your time and patience


Correct. Passenger does not support Angular. Our support for this sort of thing is dependent on whether cPanel adds support for it. I can't find anything indicating that they plan to do so.


At the moment, you'd need to buy a VPS: https://heliohost.org/vps/ or find a host that offers SSH access in cPanel (which we do not because of its security implications).

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