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Hello Helio host.Firstly thanks for this great opportunity to host our site free with great customer support and service.Since the previous day i notiched wordpress site hosted here is getting a little bit slower to load.Is there any internal problem please let me know.My username is : tonyedwa and i am on tommy server.

It would be nice if you mail me on my personal email:shuvoshadman024@gmail.com


Load is probably up on the server, the most common cause of that these days is someone's Wordpress install getting too much traffic or being broken.


Wordpress is literally the only program we recommend people not use...it's horribly inefficient and also extremely insecure. It's the leading cause of load suspensions as well as accidental bans here at heliohost (WP gets hacked, then the hacker usually sets up phishing or sends spam and the account gets banned). Any other cms in existence is better than WP.


It's mainly this guys fault that Tommy is slow the last few days https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/41097-solved-suspended-dl5ark/ Feel free to yell at him. Haha. Surprisingly it's not Wordpress on his account causing the high load this time, but it usually is.


Unsurprisingly, you're the second highest memory usage on Tommy today. I've seen this happen like 50 times. Whoever complains the most about Tommy being slow is 99% chance of being the one causing the slowness themselves with Wordpress. Like Wolstech already said, Wordpress is garbage software. If you insist on using Wordpress you can speed up your site massively, reduce your load massively, and reduce your chance of getting hacked to basically none by using this plugin https://hostadvice.com/how-to/how-to-convert-a-wordpress-site-to-a-static-html-website/ It's called Simply Static plugin. Give it a try and let us know how it works for you. Not a threat because I really don't have control over who causes the most load and gets automatically suspended for it, but if you don't try the plugin or switch to something other than Wordpress you have a strong chance of being suspended for high load eventually.


Also, I want to mention that you need to keep an eye on your account load if you don't want to get suspended. You can find it located at https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/load/index.live.php or just search for "Account Load". Here's what your graph looks like. The closer you are to 100 the higher your chance of being suspended.


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