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[Solved] Um... I'm not sure what happened but...

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Well that happens when the MySQLd goes offline due to high server load. There have been a lot of such complaints over the past few days from Johnny users. If you're on Johnny that's not a very uncommon happening. Usually, it's fixed in a few minutes.


If you'd like a reliable server, consider moving to Tommy. Free signups open up at midnight UTC and fill in a few seconds so you'll have to be quick. You could skip the hassle though by making a donation (minimum $1) and have your account moved to Tommy straightaway by an admin. :)


As above, this is mysql crashing due to server load. Johnny is severely overloaded at the moment: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/


As for moving to Tommy...if you donate, please keep in mind that it may take a while for us to move you because the load needs to be lower than it currently is and mysql has to be running in order for an account to transfer successfully.


so Tommy is better? because when Johnny is down my system will be broken.(I make minecraft server and use MySQL as a permission backend) and I have to manually restart all of it. so It wont be commonly down on Tommy right?


Yes, Tommy is much more stable and doesn't experience these issues. There's the occasional load spike, but not nearly as often as with Johnny.

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