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Everything posted by guntxjak

  1. I tried to install it many times but sometimes it returns like HTTP Error 404
  2. I was on Johnny and I had an issue that it randomly go down, so I move to Tommy and this happened https://imgur.com/a/ztVS431 yeah it shows that the server lost connection from MySQL server randomly, So because it's free then it just disconnect randomly or what?
  3. I install Xenforo on my VPS machine (on another host) and it returns this error XF\Db\Exception: MySQL statement prepare error [2006]: MySQL server has gone away in src/XF/Db/AbstractStatement.php at line 212XF\Db\AbstractStatement->getException() in src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Statement.php at line 196 XF\Db\Mysqli\Statement->getException() in src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Statement.php at line 39 XF\Db\Mysqli\Statement->prepare() in src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Statement.php at line 54 XF\Db\Mysqli\Statement->execute() in src/XF/Db/AbstractAdapter.php at line 79 XF\Db\AbstractAdapter->query() in src/XF/Db/AbstractAdapter.php at line 244 XF\Db\AbstractAdapter->update() in src/XF/Job/Manager.php at line 255 XF\Job\Manager->runJobInternal() in src/XF/Job/Manager.php at line 187 XF\Job\Manager->runJobEntry() in src/XF/Job/Manager.php at line 138 XF\Job\Manager->runUnique() in src/XF/Install/Controller/AbstractController.php at line 24 XF\Install\Controller\AbstractController->manualJobRunner() in src/XF/Install/Controller/Install.php at line 196 XF\Install\Controller\Install->actionRunJob() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 249 XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 88 XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 41 XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run() in src/XF/App.php at line 1931 XF\App->run() in src/XF.php at line 328 XF::runApp() in install/index.php at line 14I search up on Google and founds that it may be the max_allowed_packet on MySQL. Is there a way to fix that?
  4. so Tommy is better? because when Johnny is down my system will be broken.(I make minecraft server and use MySQL as a permission backend) and I have to manually restart all of it. so It wont be commonly down on Tommy right?
  5. Move to: Tommy Username: guntxjak Transaction ID: 8U034447AB0544440 (PayPal) uh what should i include more than this? i dont know the format. sorry. รายละเอียดการทำรายการ - PayPal.pdf
  6. This happened when I go to MySQL Database page... - https://imgur.com/MxMPEl4 and this happened when I go to phpMyAdmin - https://imgur.com/csDZ8P0
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