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I'm trying to write a middleware app between our Youtube chatbot (Nightbot*) and our AXIS PTZ cams.  The cams have a remote HTTP API that requires authentication which the bot can't do.  I'm going to have the middleware be a python3 cgi-script on here (Johnny).  All it needs to do is use the requests module to send a formatted GET request to the specific camera.  Problem is nearly all the cams use a port other than 80 (the one that does, works).  When I send the requests.get I get a errno 111. 


the ports in question are 8080, 8081, 8082, 8291



*Yes I know Nightbot is experiencing an outage


We can't whitelist them without the IPs and the specific port needed for each IP. We do not honor requests for "any IP on any port" for security reasons.


If you're unable or unwilling to provide that information, my recommendation is to purchase a VPS instead. VPSes have no firewall (aside from whatever you install yourself), and you have full access to run any software you choose. https://heliohost.org/vps/ For your application, the cheapest option will do.


If your concern is not posting the information publicly, please PM me and I'll post it in the moderator section.

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