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If you don’t have custom domains other than damnu.heliohost.org, there’s nothing for us to deleted. Unless you want it to delete your main domain or changed.


All I want -- and ever wanted -- is being back on Tommy! :)

My login doesn't work which is why I was told to open this thread...

If there is nothing to do: How can I restore my backup?


We could send you a Tommy invite to your email. What's the email address you would like the invite to be sent to? Your @gmx.de address?


I am not back up on Tommy! Thanks for your help!


I just noticed issues receiving mails:

I send an email to a distribution list. Address #1 on this list is @USER.heliohost.org.

While my mail has been delivered into EVERY account instanctly I still cannot see it within my heliohost inbox.

It's now 40 min ago that I sent it...


Correct: But several more mails have been sent (5 all together)

Just one min. ago, I sent another one.

Seconds later, it arrived at 3 inboxes.

The only inbox that it hasn't arrived in yet is the heliohost inbox...

Posted (edited)

I think I got it:

Seems like emails that match a filter do not show up in the inbox.

action: pipe
dest: "|/home/damnu/mail/XXXXXX.pl"


By the way:

On the "old" Tommy server, I was able to send emails:

my $host = 'mail.damnu.heliohost.org';
my $user    = 'MY EMAIL ADDRESS';
my $pass    = "MY PASSWORD";


Is this still correct?


I figured it out:

Had to install Authen::SASL and set host = 'tommy.heliohost.org';

Edited by damnu

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