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[Solved] Not possible to login the c-panel


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Dear all,


when i try to access the name server ns1.heliohost.org i receive the following messages



"Ahoy! You're seeing this page because HelioHost has not gotten about to installing and configuring your account yet. This process usually takes 24 hours, and once it is complete your website should show up properly. While the account is being created we suggest taking a look at your control panel."


I made my account more than 2 weeks ago, so there should be another reson why this screen pops up.


After clicking the link to login in the c-panel it tries to connect with the Tommy server instead of the Johnny server.

It´s also not possible to point my domain to the johnny server.

I put the nameservers ns1heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org in my registrar. 




what did i do wrong.


could someone please help.


Many thanks in advance.


Best regards, 






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Perfect it worked fine,


One last question i still have.

When i try to enter my domain without www. , it still directs to my rigistrar. but when i type the adress with www. then it workes fine.


what do i have to do to solve this?


thanks again

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