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[Solved] Site on Tommy not opening/accessible


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The site is rapidenglish.me


I get the following messages on the following browsers:



Secure Connection Failed




This site can’t be reached

rapidenglish.me unexpectedly closed the connection.




Cannot Open Page... can't connect with server



Any reason why this would be? I'm using Cloudflare. I think I have everything set up with that right, but could this be the problem?



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Your SSL is broken. Turn off the forced SSL and it'll probably work. Because you're using CloudFlare, I can't really troubleshoot it. Easiest first step is to rename htaccess if you have a forced SSL redirect in there. Issues like this are why I personally don't force SSL on the home page of my websites...I only enforce it on pages where sensitive information is transmitted (e.g. login forms).


If you can't get it to work, the next step is to eliminate cloudflare and change your name servers back. Your account looks good to me, but without having your NS set directly to us, there's no way for me test.

Edited by wolstech
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Thanks. I don't know. The htaccess seems just to have the default code. I don't see how to get the site back up without pointing back to heliohost. But then I'll have to figure out another way to get https working, which I need to send people from my Adwords Ads. Maybe doing Cloudflare through CPANEL would make a difference?


The htaccess code in public_html.


# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

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So, you're on Tommy, so you don't even need CloudFlare for SSL. We provide free SSL certificates on that server, so every site gets SSL with no effort. You do have a forced redirect in .htaccess though, which will break the domain verification. Comodo provides our certs, and their server has to be able to access the .well-known folder in your public_html folder over plain HTTP to validate the domain. You need to either remove that WordPress redirect, or add an exception for the .well-known folder to it.


For now, you can rename that .htaccess file so its ignored, change the name servers to HelioHost, and let me know it's been done. If the SSL certificate isn't already valid, I'll run the AutoSSL on your account for you.

Edited by wolstech
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