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[Solved] What happened to our Java?


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You would have received 2 emails (a few days before and at the time of inactivity suspension) if you'd gone inactive, and you also would have had to renew your account manually. Considering your response, it sounds like something else happened.


Lets see what Krydos says...

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Notice: In order to keep load levels low and provide Java support to the largest number of accounts we will remove Java access from any accounts that become suspended or inactive. Additionally, if the server is at maximum and there is a queue of accounts waiting to receive Java support we may need to remove Tomcat access from accounts that aren't using it.

Source: https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/java/index.live.php


You probably lost it due to lack of use. Even if you don't use it at all it increases load levels simply by having it installed on your account. It's really not a big deal on Tommy though. Just request it again and in less than 24 hours you'll have access again. If you lose java for lack of use on Johnny you're looking at a couple month wait.

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  • 1 month later...

It seems our servlet has been undeployed, for some reason. Java was still active, but requesting the servlet resulted in a 404 error. Why!? 


We use our servlet regularly and I logged into my account after an inactivity warning, so that cannot have caused this issue.


I now redeployed our WAR file, but I certainly hope this won't happen again...


[edit] Deployment is pending for over 10 minutes now, but still didn't succeed, has deploy.conf been changed? [/edit]

Edited by vukosyst
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It seems our servlet has been undeployed, for some reason. Java was still active, but requesting the servlet resulted in a 404 error. Why!? 


We use our servlet regularly and I logged into my account after an inactivity warning, so that cannot have caused this issue.


I now redeployed our WAR file, but I certainly hope this won't happen again...


[edit] Deployment is pending for over 10 minutes now, but still didn't succeed, has deploy.conf been changed? [/edit]



We are having an issue with the Java system on Tommy. We will get this fix as soon as possible.


Sorry for inconvenience.

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To clarify, the script that handles Java requests and deployments on Tommy malfunctioned while trying to process a deleted account, and subsequently removed Java from everyone on the server, which also undeployed every WAR on the server.


We're slowly working to restore Java to everyone who had it, but it has to be done manually for every account. WAR files will need to be redeployed when Java shows as active in cPanel for your account.

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