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Need help to replicate local mysql server with my heliohost mysql server


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I'm trying to synchronize all of the databases in the local mysql server (localhost) with remote server (tommy.heliohost.org). I don't know anything about replication but I need to synchronize both servers when their data changes.

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Sorry for late reply but my internet connection was inactive for 5 days.

Anyway, I've setup remote MySQL but I don't want that. I want to synchronise both servers.

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What we're trying to understand is...why? If you use the remote MySQL for the local applications, and get rid of the local MySQL server entirely, both local and hosted applications will work and share the database, eliminating the need to keep two copies on two servers.


In the 7 years I've been here, we've never supported replication.

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Because, if I drop a column of a MySQL table on remote(live) server and if the column is being used by any php scripts that script/page will not work. That's why I'm still using two servers.

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Setting up mysql replication would require a lot of changes on Tommy's database. These changes would affect ALL of the users on Tommy. Your options are to either use remote mysql, which is considerably easier anyways, or purchase a vps where you can control the server side mysql database yourself. If you do decide to go with the vps we would appreciate it if you could use our referral link so HelioHost can benefit from your purchase. https://www.heliohost.org/partners/vps

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