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[Solved] Can't insert


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Are you using MySQL? And could you please provide more information on the issue you are receiving please.

No, I'm using postgre. When I make any insert to the db is imposible cause this message come out.

Edited by rivas0x
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Insert is working for me on postgresql on Johnny. Which database are you trying to insert into? Which username are you running the insert command from? Are you using command line or pgphpadmin or something else?

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Insert is working for me on postgresql on Johnny. Which database are you trying to insert into? Which username are you running the insert command from? Are you using command line or pgphpadmin or something else?

The database name is: rivas0x_TSJ, the user is: rivas0x_root and I can't insert using command line in my proyect, but in the phppgadmin I use the same insert instruction and it work fine...

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