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How to move Tommy server (For abhi16)

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At the first time the site loads a little slow.....Since it is my demo site....

I'm glad everything is working for you now. Yeah, you picked Johnny which is our slowest server, but he's good for experimenting if you don't care about speed or uptime. If you're ready for visitors to your site we recommend switching to Tommy which is our fastest server.



Can you please guide me how do i switch to Tommy?? Is it a free? Please Help me and thanks for everything.

Posted (edited)

This guide will help you: http://wiki.helionet.org/Moving_your_account and yes, is free but you will have to wait in 24 hours for the sign up to reopen. If you dont want to wait, you can donate minimum $1.00, then post your transaction ID here and we will move you to Tommy Server without your account to be deleted.

I would pay for it but sorry i have no any online payment or mastercard to pay....Since I am from Nepal,we do not have much facilities....And do i have to delete my johnny server's account while moving to Tommy's server ?????


Do you mean that i have to use same email id or account to signup for tommy and only i can restore my backups to tommy which are taken from Johnny ????


It's bit a confusion here...Please clarify me can i use any email id and details to sign up for tommy or do i have to use same email id and information after a deletion of johnny server's account that are being used now here ????

Edited by abhi16

To transfer for free you

  • Backup your current account.
  • Download your backup.
  • Delete your current account.
  • Signup on the new server.
  • Restore your backup.

To transfer for free you

  • Backup your current account.
  • Download your backup.
  • Delete your current account.
  • Signup on the new server.
  • Restore your backup.


I understand whole the process but i am asking about registration email in Tommy server....Do i need the same email id that i used in Johnny's server or i can use any email???


You can, but don't have to. You cannot reuse the username though, unless an admin renames your forum account first.

Thanks i can use this forum even if i delete johnny's account na ????

Posted (edited)

Yes, deleting your hosting account does not delete your forum account.

I waited for 24 hrs,and refreshed every minutes for a link...but when the signup limit has passed..i was able to choose only RIcky's server for sign up....TOmmy's server still showed Full that means i have to donate it...It's not fair na...the link was not activated for signup...i couldn't find even after refreshing every seconds...Even in Ricky's server, i got validation link too late....


Is Ricky's server faster than Johnny???? And Please help about signup....I wasted my whole night waiting for it...

Edited by abhi16

@Luigi: A donation is required for that just like Tommy. We've moved them for free, but only when Johnny's problems made it impossible for us to fix something for a user.

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