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Subdomain not working


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Tomorrow I found that one my subdomain is not working but it was working when last time I visited. Other subdomains are working perfectly. Then I deleted this subdomain and created it again. But still not working. I cannot write the subdomain here for security reasons. But it is with numbers. To confirm the problem, I created a New one which is tube.atoz.ml. And it's also not working. Please check out this problem.

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Try creating a CNAME record on CloudFlare's site, name it tube and set its value to atoz.ml. That should fix tube.atoz.ml if missing records are the issue. If that works, repeat replacing the "tube" with your other subdomain. You'll need to do this for any subdomain you create when using CF's DNS service. This process just lets CF know you created it how where the traffic should be directed.


If that doesn't help, please change the nameservers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, wait an hour, and your subdomains will probably work. You're still using CF's DNS service even though you're not using their caching service: https://bybyron.net/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=atoz.ml&rec=NS

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The subdomains in question are now working. CloudFlare is the issue.


Also, please be advised that after inspecting your domains, I noticed on at least one page, there were links promoting hacking tools (they appear to be ads from wap4dollar). Please remove such advertising within 24 hours. Hacking tools and piracy are not welcome here.

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The ads you display on your site have to fall under the same restrictions as laid out in our terms of service http://wiki.helionet.org/Terms For instance you can't have porn ads on your site, nor anything else illegal. I would recommend google adsense as they pay the best anyways, and they definitely don't have illegal ads.

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