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The execution time is intentionally limited to control resources. A script should never need 2 minutes to run anyway. If it does, you'll likely get suspended for high load. I'd recommend breaking the script up into smaller segments and calling them one after the other with a small delay in between them so you spread the work out. This will help us not overload our servers, and help you avoid the frustration of a load suspension.


As for max_input_vars...what in the world are you doing that makes you need 3000 input variables? Shove that data in an array, serialize it, then base64 the serialized array and send it as a single POST field. If the 2 minute script is supposed to process that data, save the submitted data in a database table after submission. Then use a javascript on a progress page to call the script with a start/position parameter to process the data in groups of ~50 rows (see mysql LIMIT command) on each execution. You could also use the javascript to give users a pretty display of how its going.


actually theme which i was using need to be recommended vales as seen in attachment so kindly can you apply recommended setting.. as far as input var code i understand and thanks for teach it really helpful



Unfortunately we can't, especially the execution time one, as it will overload our servers. We already regularly suspend people for load due to Wordpress overloading our servers. These settings would only make the issue worse. Please find different software.


For what it's worth, we recommend avoiding Wordpress entirely. It's full of security holes, the themes and extensions are rarely if ever secure (many "free" themes are disguised malware), and it's the number one leading cause of load, malware, and hacked site suspensions on our service. Just about any other piece of software available is more secure.


so any suggestion how to decrease my website load time , you are right it takes a long time to load whereas it just about to develop,


m new in website developer your help will be very helpful ...


The biggest speed increase you'll find by ditching wordpress and switching to literally anything else. If you can't quit wordpress for some reason switching to Tommy will earn you a little more speed. Then you can work on little things like http://www.wpbeginner.com/wordpress-performance-speed/ In my opinion asking how to speed up wordpress is like asking how to speed up a snail. It's going to take a lot of rocket fuel to get that steaming pile of code to move quickly.


:) nice saying, i dont need wordpress to build my website necessary, i can use another way is there any thing else which i can built my website, my website is about event management, and dueto low budget i need free website, your help is really feel my proud to join such a legends teams


Depending on how comfortable you are coding and the needs of your site, I would recommend writing your site in static html as much as possible. Search for html5 themes and use them as header and footer for your content to make things pretty. Leveraging clever javascript you can have the above-the-fold content load more of less instantly, and then have the rest of the page load asynchronously. This way the visitor to your site is instantly presented with a site to begin looking at while the rest of your site finishes loading. If you need scripting for something html and javascript can't handle I would recommend php or python depending on which you're most comfortable with. For python use flask or django framework to make your life a lot easier rather than plain cgi. Php is just php really. Anyways, let us know if you have questions.

Posted (edited)

sir all goes over the head... :D


well its there any built website so that i can just upload and change the content , i doenot know much about coding or scripting


thats why i used WordPress through which i just replaced the content and update the theme


same as , is there any other way for website ...

Edited by proevent

If you can't code, Joomla and Drupal are two alternatives to Wordpress that are decent. I run an older Joomla site for someone and have had very few issues with it.


Pretty much anything that's not Wordpress will be an improvement.


Joomla is what HelioHost used from 2005 or so until last year. It never got hacked a single time. Never really had any issues at all other than it was just really old. It was decently fast too for a cms.

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