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[Solved] Suspended: Atasco


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Can you explain what you’re planning to do with the domain you picked?


Please note that phishing, fraud, and similar are not welcome here.

I have a parody website that's called internetmoneyscam.com, it recently got taken down and I'm fixing it up, and I wanted to find a webhost that wouldn't delete websites that were getting too many views :P I guess I tripped a wire by having scam in the name?

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Yeah, we mass-ban phishing/fraud/fake loot generators/etc. several times a day because we get so many. Yours got swept up my latest round this afternoon. And as Krydos said above, our criminals are dumb. Theres nothing like phishingstore.heliohost.org for hosting your phishing site. :)


Would you mind posting a screenshot or other example of your content as well if you can?


Edit: Beaten to it, so comments on Krydos response added.

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You'd be surprised how dumb some of these criminals are. We've actually had them create the domain phishing.heliohost.org, etc. Why did your site get taken down?

Pffft, subtle. Yeah, 000webhost routinely deletes files that are too big or visited too many times at once on their free side to save room when they get close to capacity, I think mine was visited too much haha


Yeah, we mass-ban phishing/fraud/fake loot generators/etc. several times a day because we get so many. Yours got swept up my latest round this afternoon. And as Krydos said above, our criminals are dumb. Theres nothing like phishingstore.heliohost.org for hosting your phishing site. :)


Would you mind posting a screenshot or other example of your content as well if you can?


Edit: Beaten to it, so comments on Krydos response added.


I'll see if I can find a screenshot :0! I just got called to do something though, so I'll be a bit

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I'll save you the time: https://web.archive.org/web/20170426212922/http://internetmoneyscam.com/ and https://twitter.com/idiotwhoreass


Looks fine to me. Unsuspended.


I wanted to find a webhost that wouldn't delete websites that were getting too many views :P

If you're worried about load check in here every once in a while to ask what your load looks like. We can run a report for you to let you know how likely you are to get suspended. We do have to suspend high load accounts occasionally to keep the servers from crashing, but it's usually not due to high traffic. Poorly written code and obvious abuse go first.
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