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[Solved] Suspended: Oct06Ale

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That account is suspended for Phishing.


For security reasons, phishing accounts cannot be unsuspended, backed up, or deleted. You will need to create a new account and restore any backup you may have. Please be aware that you will not be able to reuse any domains on your suspended account, and will need to pick a new username.


We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

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I wasn't Phishing. Can I at least get an explanation as to why it was suspended for phishing?

You say to remake my account but if I do that it will probably be "suspended for phishing" again, so having an explanation of what specifically flagged it would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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Oh my.... I literally said this in the beginning. It is for a school project. UCSD class CAT 125 (public speaking). The assignment is to create a website based on the topic we gave a presentation on. I did my presentation on the Equifax Data Breach. I mentioned this in the first post, apparently it is too difficult for the moderators to do simple reading.

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apparently it is too difficult for the moderators to do simple reading.

Settle down, or your account will be permanently suspended simply for being insulting.


I literally said this in the beginning. It is for a school project. UCSD class CAT 125 (public speaking). The assignment is to create a website based on the topic we gave a presentation on. I did my presentation on the Equifax Data Breach. I mentioned this in the first post

Why does your site claim to be equifax.com then, and not (as you claim) a topic that you gave a presentation on?
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To add to Krydos: We get real phishers who claim "college project" all the time: See this guy from earlier today, who said the same thing about his bank phishing site: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/30691-suspended-dcangulo/


Note he claims in his first post just like you do that it was for an academic test, but the real bank sent the phishing report that's linked in the last post.

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"Settle down, or your account will be permanently suspended simply for being insulting."

My apologies. I'm frustrated from having this be an issue.


"Why does your site claim to be equifax.com then, and not (as you claim) a topic that you gave a presentation on? "

In what way does my site claim to be equifax.com? I'm not claiming to be equifax.com, I'm claiming to be 2017equifaxsecurity.heliohost.com, vastly different URLs. If you are asking why I chose the naming of my site, as in why "2017equifaxsecurity" the reason is due to the fact that Equifax made a site called equifaxsecurity2017.com, and another 3rd person made a website called securityequifax2017.com as an imitation of the original trying to highlight the technical incompetence of Equifax https://web.archive.org/web/20170908172914/https://securityequifax2017.com/. This is a link to the internet archive of the imitation website. There are also lots of news outlets that covered this that I'm sure a google search would give you more information.



"To add to Krydos: We get real phishers who claim "college project" all the time: See this guy from earlier today, who said the same thing about his bank phishing site: https://www.helionet...ended-dcangulo/

Note he claims in his first post just like you do that it was for an academic test, but the real bank sent the phishing report that's linked in the last post."

The website I uploaded does not ask for personal data or anything for that matter, it purely gives out information. I think that is the opposite of phishing. What I'm doing, and should be visible from the html/css that I had posted is taking the bait and just dumping it into the water.



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I find it more than a little ironic that the internet archive link you posted says

This is why you don't put your security incident website on a domain that looks like a scam (with an Amazon SSL cert), no-one can tell the difference between the real thing an a phishing site.

As far as I can tell you just took Equifax's already phishy looking apology site, and copied it onto our servers. I still don't see the point of this since, as you linked, there are already internet archives of this kind of stuff. Why not create some original content instead of copying equifax's site?


In what way does my site claim to be equifax.com? I'm not claiming to be equifax.com, I'm claiming to be 2017equifaxsecurity.heliohost.com, vastly different URLs.

The links say stuff like "return to equifax.com" imply that you arrived on this page from a legit link on equifax.com. That certainly isn't the case, and it's exactly the sort of thing you'd see on a phishing site trying to trick you into thinking you're somewhere you aren't.


I also find it interesting that there is a reference to 2017equifaxsecurity.cf, which shows as created on freenom's website, but doesn't resolve. It's almost like that domain got shut down for phishing too. But that's all just idle speculation.


Anyways, irregardless of whether you intended it to look like a phishing site, or you accidentally made it look like a phishing site it cannot be unsuspended. You're welcome to create a new account if you wish.

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I understand the territory is confusing. I'm not asking you to understand the purpose of the site. What I'd like to know is if I make another account, and post the same site, because I don't plan on remaking it because this is a school project and I don't really care about it, will it get taken down?


Also because I'm an asshole and a grammar nazi : https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/irregardless

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Yes, if you post the exact same site it will also get suspended.


If you post some original content that doesn't try to look like equifax's website then it will not get taken down.


Also because I'm an asshole and a grammar nazi : https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/irregardless

There is such a word, however. It is still used primarily in speech, although it can be found from time to time in edited prose. Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance.

Good enough for me.
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a ) it is original content, nothing new under the sun bud.

b ) whyyy must you make me do more work... now I gotta go find some other host... its not your fault tho you're just following some form of policy...





c )

"It is in fact a real word (but that doesn't mean you should use it)."

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