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[Solved] Website Status

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It's probably because you put the www in front of it when you entered it. I've removed it, give it another 24 hours and if it still doesn't work, let me know and I'll escalate it.


Moved to customer service.

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It is indeed no longer pointed here.


Marking solved since the site is now elsewhere. If you're still interested in trying to get the site set up here, please follow krydos' instructions above and post back to let us know to take another look.

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Did you add the domain to the Aliases or addon domanis section of cPanel? It's showing Queued because the domain is not in our system. It appears you've changed your main domain to gitcc.heliohost.org...


Once you add it, let me know and I'll verify it's added correctly.

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Hi, I think I added it to addon domains but it is no longer listed, and when I enter the domain I get this error "(XID edhmh4) The domain “gemsinthecountrycrystals.cf” already exists in the Apache configuration." But the domain is not listed anywhere, except when I add emails or aliases to the domain it shows the domain up?

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Hi Again,

I have just moved my domain to a different server, I have moved from Johnny to Tommy, how long do I need to wait, as I thought the website would load up instantly as it says on your website, however, It is saying Account Queued again.




P.S. I have instaaled Wordpress on the site and i'm able to login to the wp-admin which allows me to edit my website, however, when I go onto the website to see whats been published, it takes me to the Account Queued Page.

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