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I'm on the same page of sagnik, do I have to open another thread or can ask it here?


Either way I can retype it later, ;p


My problem is when I login from other place I can enter for a while then when I proceed to open a cPanel then it is showing me the error "Your IP address has changed". wondering how can I work on any different places when the ip is changed.


I understand about external IP address, but when it explained here did it means it changes in a matter of seconds/minutes?. If it is, its a weird situation. For what I knew ISP will always give you dynamic ip that will only change when we do reconnecting.

Do you have a solution for this since i'm thinking that I can work not only from home, but anywhere I got access of internet


I'm on the same page of sagnik, do I have to open another thread or can ask it here?


I understand about external IP address, but when it explained here did it means it changes in a matter of seconds/minutes?. If it is, its a weird situation. For what I knew ISP will always give you dynamic ip that will only change when we do reconnecting.

Do you have a solution for this since i'm thinking that I can work not only from home, but anywhere I got access of internet

Actually, many ISPs have dynamic IPs that change as frequently as every few minutes. It's especially common on cell phone data plans and dial-up connections. The only solution is to use a proxy or a VPN.


I personally think the IP restriction is overkill and should be turned off since it causes a bunch of users issues, but that's my opinion. It's meant to prevent session hijacking, but I feel as if session hijacks are rather uncommon nowadays, especially when malware and Phishing are prevalent and effective solutions for attackers that are easily accomplished in bulk (users self-infect with malware through means such as fake WordPress themes, and bots have all but automated phishing campaigns).



I personally think the IP restriction is overkill and should be turned off since it causes a bunch of users issues, but that's my opinion. It's meant to prevent session hijacking, but I feel as if session hijacks are rather uncommon nowadays, especially when malware and Phishing are prevalent and effective solutions for attackers that are easily accomplished in bulk (users self-infect with malware through means such as fake WordPress themes, and bots have all but automated phishing campaigns).




Couldn't agree more, maybe heliohost can use another approach like google did on android, when someone login using different device they sent an email confirming that. :)


Hello David, you want HelioHost to implement the same authentication that Google uses. I don't know much about Google, but I think, Google doesn't check user's external IP changes. And if you want HelioHost to implement an email verification for every external IP changes, then you know how many times you have to verify your email! Check this link, www.heliohost.org/ip.php


If you visit the url, the IP doesn't change. I don't know why. But if you visit www.whatsmyip.com, you will see that, the your IP is keep changing. If you find any solution, please let me know.


Hello David, you want HelioHost to implement the same authentication that Google uses. I don't know much about Google, but I think, Google doesn't check user's external IP changes. And if you want HelioHost to implement an email verification for every external IP changes

The way Google implements it is by device, not by IP Address. It wouldn't be every time your IP changes. The email would be sent when there was a login for the first time on a specific computer/phone/tablet. The Google method works using cookies and a device fingerprint if I remember right.


The bad news is that we can't actually implement much of anything since it's up to cPanel to add such features. I don't even know if we can turn off the IP check anymore (Krydos would be the one to know, Google suggests the ability to disable this was removed in 11.38).


No, I've a static IP which my ISP provides. But I think my mobile device/Router changes the IP. But I can login and use cPanel as long as I want in my pc without any IP Change issues.


Does logging in from constantly cycling dynamic IPs work any better now?


I don't know what you did. do you mind explaining.


I try it today from different place, and yes i'm able to enter my cPanel so it is better.

But, still it kicked me out again after several minutes, which my IP does change


So if you ask if its better yes it is, but is it solve my problem than the answer is no, I can't work from different place than my home

Please consider another solution, but thanks for doing something ;)


Before it was set to log you out if your IP changed at all. So if you had 123.321.0.1 and then it changed to 123.321.0.2 you would get logged out. I changed it so close IPs don't log you out so when the last digit only changes by a few you should stay logged in.


Here is my IPs:,,

My IP is alternating within the ips listed above. And I still can't login in cPanel.

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