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If Heliohost Is Going Out Of Business...


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1) I don't assume databases will remain active?

2) Will we be notified once decision is made? I'd like it to be at least a month before you go offline.

3) Today I'm experiencing

This site can’t be reached

The connection was reset.

error for my website and 'server DNS address could not be found' for heliohost and helionet. Am I just having bad internet connection? Or does this have to do with insufficient funds of Heliohost?

When accessing cPanel:

This site can’t be reached

tommy.heliohost.org refused to connect.

Edited by hypo
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We're not going out of business. You may have misread the donation message we've posted a few times. It's just a donation request. If we don't meet goal each month, we're that much closer to going bust. We have funds to operate for over a year, even if we made absolutely nothing from ads or donations starting today. We come very close to goal each month though. We've got more than 10 years behind us, and we believe there's another 10 in front of us. :)


That issue is likely one of a few things. First, we've been down a lot due to DDoS attacks in the past day or so. It could also be an IP ban (you're not blocked that I can see), or your internet connection is broken (possible, try another internet connection like a cell phone data plan).

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insufficient funds of Heliohost?

If we only lose $20 per month last we did in June we have enough money to stay in business as we are for over 700 years. The thing is we don't want to just stay the same and stagnate. We want to grow and expand. There is a very high demand for a free quality webhosting service like ours. It's frustrating to us and to our users when our servers get overloaded due to the demand and operate slowly. It's frustrating to our users when we have to severely limit our free signups to prevent our stable servers from becoming overloaded. Tommy filled up on free accounts last night in 9.8 seconds. If we had more servers we could set up more stable servers and provide hosting to even more people.


I'm not from U.S. When will I be able to reach the server?

We're working to get Tommy back online as soon as possible.


Does that mean that non-U.S. visitors won't be able to reach my website?

Currently no one can reach Tommy.
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