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[Solved] Reset Hosting Account

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Hi, can you please reset my hosting account (username: abdu, server Tommy)? I would like to restart with a fresh hosting.


A second donation of $1 would be much appreciated (and the invite comes instantly now if you donate by credit card), but if you really don't want to, PM me your email address after deleting and I'll resend the invite.


What's the reason you want to do this anyway?


I've been here 6 years and have never had a good reason to do this. The easiest solution has always been to uninstall any softactulous software, delete the contents of public_html (not the folder itself though, leave the empty folder), delete any backups/softaculous data in your home folder, delete the contents of ~/tmp, drop your databases and users, and remove all of your domains. If you used the CloudFlare plugin, be sure to turn that off before starting. That should get you an empty hosting account that's pretty close to stock.


A second donation of $1 would be much appreciated (and the invite comes instantly now if you donate by credit card), but if you really don't want to, PM me your email address after deleting and I'll resend the invite.


What's the reason you want to do this anyway?


I've been here 6 years and have never had a good reason to do this. The easiest solution has always been to uninstall any softactulous software, delete the contents of public_html (not the folder itself though, leave the empty folder), delete any backups/softaculous data in your home folder, delete the contents of ~/tmp, drop your databases and users, and remove all of your domains. If you used the CloudFlare plugin, be sure to turn that off before starting. That should get you an empty hosting account that's pretty close to stock.

I'm changing domain name and as such I'd like to start with a fresh account.

The server is now sorted, however I cannot enter cPanel from tommy.heliohost.org:2083. Chrome says "This site can't be reached". Have I been banned or is it just down?


You're blocked for too many failed IMAP logins. You probably have a phone or something trying to check your old account's email...



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