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Free Up Stevie Account

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Guest Lounger
Hi there,
First of all, I have to admit that it's kind of a hassle to get in touch with you in private since your e-mail address admin@helionet.org just bounces back.
Also the forum account I had (Lounger) isn't working anymore:
"Sorry, you don't have permission for that!"
"You are not allowed to visit this community"


So now that I'm finally here, with a new account I don't want, I will request the following:
  • Free up Stevie account lounger so I can use it to register on Tommy
  • Unblock the forum account Lounger
E-mail address for both of these is lounge******@gmail.com
E-mail address that I donated with is rickd******@gmail.com
Thanks in advance :)

First of all, I have to admit that it's kind of a hassle to get in touch with you in private

Sorry for the hassle, but Heliohost is a community powered not-for-profit organization not a regular for-profit company so we do things a little differently. All of our staff are volunteers, and the way we promote new admins is by having the community members help each other on this forum. The most helpful and active get offered a promotion so they can be more helpful. If we did all of our customer service in a private way no one new could help each other out, and the whole thing would fall apart.


since your e-mail address admin@helionet.org just bounces back.

Where did you get that email address from? I can create it and have it forward to support@heliohost.org or something, but I'm curious where you found it.


Also the forum account I had (Lounger) isn't working anymore:

I changed some settings on that account so you should be able to post from it again.


Free up Stevie account lounger so I can use it to register on Tommy

Done, but in order to create a new hosting account named lounger I had to change your forum username. Once you have created your hosting account let us know and we can change your forum username back. Let us know if you need us to remove any domains so you can add them to your new account.
Guest Lounger

Thank you for your informative reply.


I believe I got admin@helionet.org from the forum page that showed the error.


Sadly, it still tells me "Not available" when I try to register on Tommy.

Guest Lounger



Other names seem to work though.

Guest Lounger

Alright, the username lounger is available now, but the domain lounger.heliohost.org is not, which is actually what I wanted in the first place.

I thought the name I need to enter at the start will be the subdomain...

Guest Lounger

Thanks a lot! I have successfully registered the domain.


I still have two forum accounts now (Lounger1 and Lounger2.)

Would it be possible to change one of them to Lounger and maybe remove the other? Doesn't really matter which one..


The new lounger created today at 1PM was removed. Lounger1 has been renamed to Lounger. Lounger2 was left alone since it has posts associated with it.

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