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First of all thank you, But I have a problem again. I want to domin 'pit10.heliohost.org', The system gave it to me 'it10.heliohost.org'. Can you fix this? Believe me, I did not make a mistake :(


Hello. I have the same problem.
My domain is: luisloureiro.heliohost.org and username: lafl
How can I do to transfer from stevie to another server?
To opt for Tommy can I make the donation by credit card? And what is the amount that allows me to create an account with Tommy?
Greetings and thank you in advance.


My domain is: luisloureiro.heliohost.org and username: lafl

If you would like to use luisloureiro.heliohost.org I have made it available. If you would like to use the same username we'd have to rename this forum account, or you can just use a different username.


How can I do to transfer from stevie to another server?

Just create a new account https://heliohost.org/signup/ and restore your backup.


To opt for Tommy can I make the donation by credit card? And what is the amount that allows me to create an account with Tommy?

A donation of any amount will get you a Tommy invite. We appreciate anything you can spare. Just go to https://www.paypal.me/HelioHost and you can use an existing paypal account or type in a credit card in paypal. Keep in mind whatever email address you send us the money from is the address that will receive the Tommy invite.

You're welcome to sign up on Johnny, registrations open at midnight UTC every day and fill quickly. If you want to use Tommy, you can donate to get one, or hope you receive one for free at random.


If you want to reuse your username and domains, please let us know so we can remove them for you. Also, be aware that if your hosting account and forum account use the same username, we will need to rename your forum account in order for you to reuse the username on Johnny.

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Yes, i would like to reuse my username and my domain on another server (so delete them please) and i also use the same forum and account-name so it would be very kind of you if you could rename my forum account to an82oAnalog (if possible). Thank alot for the great work you do! How likely is it to get a tommy invite? How often do you send invitations?


Yes, i would like to reuse my username and my domain on another server (so delete them please) and i also use the same forum and account-name so it would be very kind of you if you could rename my forum account to an82oAnalog (if possible).

The username an82o and the domain analogvalues.heliohost.org are now available for new account creation.


How likely is it to get a tommy invite? How often do you send invitations?

We've sent out quite a few free invites for Tommy, but with 20,000 or so accounts in our system the chance of being randomly selected is pretty low. If you make a donation https://www.paypal.me/HelioHost you will get your invite to Tommy within 24 hours. Also if you get an invite you can create your account anytime that is convenient to you. You don't have to wait for a certain time of the day, and hope you can create your account before signups run out for the day (like Johnny.)
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