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[Solved] Stevie Innodb Problems


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Hi i have question, i didnt change anything in my database(MySQL), and all my tables which are using InnoDB became read-only, so i cant update, insert or delete. I tried create new user with all privilegesbut it doesnt help ;(. How can i change all tables to NOT read only in phpmyadmin?


Error here: 1015 - Can't lock file (errno: 165 - Table is read only)


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Yeah, you'd need to be willing to sacrifice some of the niceties of InnoDB to use MyISAM. The only reason we recommend it though, is that this will be the 4th InnoDB failure (3 on Stevie, 1 on Johnny) in 3 years, while we've never had a single MyISAM failure in all the years we've been operating. MyISAM by nature of how it works doesn't have nearly as many risks associated with file corruption, and data recovery from the raw .MYI is also much easier if you ever needed to do it.


I used to use InnoDB for the same reasons you do, foreign key constraints. It makes it very easy to handle data and easier to develop software for since you can safely assume the foreign key will actually point to a meaningful value or be null (if allowed). You can also do things like CASCADE. If you do convert, you'll need to add code to your program to replicate these benefits on the software side since the database won't do it for you anymore.


When he becomes available, you could consider moving to Tommy, since that server will be brand new.

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