Nova Posted February 9, 2010 Posted February 9, 2010 seriously, are you real? sometimes i have a feeling that i'm the only one in this world and all of you out there are just a part of my imagination. am i just crazy? Interesting, I could be real or I could just be a pattern of atom reactions in our holographic universe, maybe you are real, while others including me, are just echos of your reasoning. and maybe we diffuse after you can't see us. What does happen to us while your eyes do not catch our light? Is the red that I call red the same red you call red while seeing through your eyes? Maybe my red is your blue? This is preposterous, in cant be true! Quote
.Juan. Posted February 10, 2010 Posted February 10, 2010 The question works the same for all of us, or me. I think. Am I just a figment of your imagination? Or are you a small part of my imagination? Do you not exist, and is it only I that exists? That's a fun question, quite interesting. It would be virtually impossible to answer that we do exist. We feel, touch, see, hear and taste things. If we do this, that happens. Same holds true the other way around. So do we really exist? It's hard to tell, but I certainly hope we do. For if we don't, we don't have much to live for. Or do we? Quote
Dwight Breckenstein Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 Reality is an illusion, caused by lack of alcohol Quote
sarwara Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 Nothing is real we are all inside a matrix, and that matrix runs on windows(unfortunately) Quote Posted April 14, 2010 Posted April 14, 2010 Have you ever had a dream that felt so real that when you woke up you felt as if you were still dreaming? Image if you were unable to wake up from that dream, how then would you be able to tell reality from fiction? If say, one object is erased from a system and the system continues as if nothing happened, how then can the other objects have recolation of the erased object? The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence they say, if you have no evidence to prove we exist does not mean we do not, it doesn't mean we do either, hell, it doesnt mean anything. I will conclude by saying, my friend, you are not real, neither am i nor anyone else here! We are all infinitely small blips in such an insanelly huge system that our existence is a mathematical impossibility of titanic propotions. If anyone understood the above, please check into a mental hospital. I under stood the whole thing We can't be real with out being fake, we can't be fake if were not real. For all you know I could be a super advanced to secrete computer some where in the USA trying to get information on you. Then again, I could just as easily be 14 and writing this, to creep people out even more I could be a 40 year old man sitting on his but trying to meet some kids to rape. Think of of me as you will, I was just telling the truth. Quote
Endry Lim Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 People! Get a life! This is what I feel no matter you feel that you are real or fake! *LOL* I personally feel that the mask that we are wearing in our daily life are getting thicker and thicker. So why not taking it off and be the real you from today onwards? Quote
myth2009 Posted December 10, 2010 Posted December 10, 2010 Actually - no, I'm not really all that real... "myth" is a persona I use for a particular writing genre/niche online... so technically, myth2009 isn't real ~~ Quote
Infinaety Posted January 1, 2011 Posted January 1, 2011 By the very nature of your question, it's impossible for anyone to definitively know. I mean, for instance, if there were indeed a higher power that called us all into being, then, logically, that power has the ability to wipe us out of existence. Therefore, it is only based on that being's will that we exist, and we could thus be said to not exist. As another way to consider this, imagine an all mighty being with questions about what is real. Everything that he believes would be real simply because he believes it to be real. In effect, it doesn't really matter if you are or aren't real. You need to continue to live your life to its full extent and set an example for other people. That way, if you are real, then you'll know that you did something good. Personally, I'm real . Quote
Coriolis Posted January 19, 2011 Posted January 19, 2011 I used to wonder about this a lot. Am I real? Do I exist? In the ever-expanding universe, do I truly lie at some infinitesimally small spec beside other such points? Does the universe exist either? Are there parallel universes? Is this reality just an illusion? Am I crazy to believe that I am looking at a computer right now? What if I actually exist somewhere entirely real, but am too deluded to acknowledge it? What if we all have these delusions? What if I only know about a small part of the world, and everybody's keeping the other part a secret? (And if they are, is there a door out of the dome that I need a boat to get to?) What if I'm just a biological project that went horribly right? Or maybe I'm actually a cyborg? Alien? Extra-dimensional being? Re-born soul? Then I decided that whichever way I thought, muffins still tasted the same. Oh well, the greatest questions are given the simplest answers. Quote
jneves4pt Posted May 8, 2011 Posted May 8, 2011 There was Philosopher who said "I think, therefore I am". Everything can be fake but you know that your mind exists. If I'm answering to you and I'm telling you that I know I am real because I think, you know you think too so we are real. Confusing? Quote
Krydos Posted May 8, 2011 Posted May 8, 2011 seriously, are you real? No. sometimes i have a feeling that i'm the only one in this world and all of you out there are just a part of my imagination. Sometimes I feel like everyone in the world is real and I'm just a figment of everyone else's imagination. Maybe that makes me a ghost? I think I'm going to find a shell to crawl into. am i just crazy? Yes. It is my belief that everyone is crazy. There is no such thing as sane, but if everyone is insane that makes everyone normal thereby redefining what it means to be sane. Hm. Further circular thought is required. Quote
mikenyc Posted August 10, 2011 Posted August 10, 2011 real or not.. just enjoy life, help other around you, drink your ass out.. BE HAPPY, and then it really doesn't matter are you real or fake Quote
PenTester Posted August 11, 2011 Posted August 11, 2011 Yes , we are in Matrix World. Nothing is real here. If you believe yourself, you can get success. Quote
Thunderwolf Posted August 12, 2011 Posted August 12, 2011 So, tell me, what do you define as being real. Without a specification on that, there is no real way to answer, and either answer would be valid. Quote
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