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[Solved] Queued: Misc314

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  1. HH Username: misc314
  2. Server: Stevie with dedicated IP address
  3. HH domain: misc314.com



After getting dedicated IP address recently, I tried to experiment with htaccess, changing it from


# Remove www and add /blog if domain.com is requested
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?misc314.com$
RewriteRule ^(/)?$ blog [L]


to a code found online:


RewriteEngine On

# Add www for http
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.(.*)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]

# Add www for https
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.(.*)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]

# Redirect to /blog/ if domain.com requested
RewriteRule ^$ /blog/ [R=301]


which appeared to trigger this queue thingamajig. I have tried removing these scripts, waiting for 24 hours and clearing cache; all of which did nothing.


I'm not asking for code support, but I figured it might be useful to you admins. Please do tell me if I'm the cause, so I can be careful in the future.


Thank you and sorry for the trouble.

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The HTAccess has nothing to do with this issue.


You have Cloudflare which is still serving stale DNS. Cloudflare is pointing your domain to Stevie's shared IP address (, which is no longer associated with your account. Stevie doesn't know what to do with requests for misc314.com on its shared IP since your account is on a dedicated address.


Either get CF to refresh it's DNS from our nameservers so CF uses your new dedicated IP (there may be an option to do this, if you used manual A records instead of NS records, you'll need to edit them), or change your domain's nameservers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org to eliminate cloudflare and have our servers handle your domain directly.


After you do this, wait 24 hours and clear your cache.

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Thank you wolstech. You're like a magician!


For others having similar issue, here's what I did. Your dedicated IP address (if you pay $12 -- charges from providers that HelioHost passes to us) can be found in cPanel; copy that. Go to CloudFlare website and paste the IP address into all A records with old (shared) IP address.


You'll need to wait, and for my case, a few hours is enough.


Final touches: Self-signed SSL without browser errors.

  1. Go to cPanel
  2. Generate new KEY and CRT files (copy those on a notepad).
  3. In the "Install SSL" section, paste them in again (the Fetch button didn't work for me). Finally hit the install button.

What I've done is generating and setting up a self-signed SSL. It's good for encryption, but it's not good for verifying who you say you are. This is important if you are doing a business, but I just need the encryption. So:

  1. In CloudFlare, choose "Full SSL" as your Universal SSL setting.

This is so the path now looks like this:

Browser <------ Comodo cert -----> CloudFlare <----- Self signed cert -----> Heliohost


This actually means your visitors get a valid cert and will be happy (no validation error messages), while you get the full encryption! Pretty cool huh! :)

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