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[Solved] Please Add Srv Records For My Domain


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Could an admin please add the following 2 SRV records? thank you very much.




_sip _tls 443 1 100 3600 @ sipdir.online.lync.com

_sipfederationtls _tcp 5061 1 100 3600 @ sipfed.online.lync.com

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Than you very much. Only one of the two records is working right. The _sipfederationtls is good, but there is something wrong with _sip.


Could you please double check the _sip entries above? It may be that the @ needs to be replaced with marinersgatecap.com


Thank you again.

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Well, here's the two SRV records I added:

DOMAIN                 TTL             PRIORITY  WEIGHT  PORT HOST
_sip._tcp              14400  IN  SRV  100       1       443  sipdir.online.lync.com.
_sipfederationtls._tcp 14400  IN  SRV  100       1       5061 sipfed.online.lync.com.

The fields I need are domain, ttl, priority, weight, port, and host. There is no service, protocol, or target. Both records look very similar to many other SRV records on our DNS servers. Perhaps if you show me the instructions that you received from lync.com it will make this easier? Also, I know TTL doesn't match what you said, but the smaller that number is the more load it puts on our servers. Unless you're changing these SRV records all the time it probably doesn't need to be so small.

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