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I am having a problem with my website. I can usually perform maintenance with little problem by clearing the error logs and deleting the spam via my wordpress dashboard. I have two spam comments in my spam folder except when I try to delete them they keep reappearing. I did google a solution which was to use a delete command in myphp with my sql. I went into my database and picked the wp_comments table and clicked delete. I then tried the delete command but in both cases I keep getting the following message when I hit Go and I can't delete the spam.




SQL query:

DELETE FROM `robdog75_wp`.`wp_comments` WHERE `wp_comments`.`comment_ID` =3

MySQL said:

#1030 - Got error -1 from storage engine


I have tried to empty the table and got a 2013 error saying connection lost with the server. I haven't got much of a clue with databases so if any one can help me out here. That would be great.




My applications are doing it too. I can read data, but editing it gives me "Got error -1 from storage engine."


The issue seems to specifically affect InnoDB tables, so it's likely related to the InnoDB problem that's been affecting Stevie since Monday. On the bright side, at least we can read the data with this error...


Ok! Nice to know it's a server problem. But I need to delete the spam comments. However each time I have tried to delete the spam it reappears a few seconds later and is causing problems with my error logs on Wordpress. Is that due to the database not being able to delete them due to the errors? Like I said tried various methods on Myphp and kept getting various errors #1030 and #2002 can't connect with server or something to that effect. I am having database connection errors too.


My disk space is rapidly filling up as well due to issue with not being able to delete the spam comments as when I clear the error logs it just reloops and keeps emailing me the error log and database backup which I have now disabled receiving these by email. But it's not me doing anything to fill the disk space as I have not added any new content to my website. I have tried to disable comments, but it's not allowing me to on my Wordpress dashboard as it won't save the changes. Is this due to the Innodb problem or has my website been hacked?


Changes not saving are probably InnoDB issues since all of my systems that use InnoDB are doing the exact same thing at the moment.


I can see all my data, but editing any of it is gives -1 from storage engine and won't save the edits. For me, my issue that my systems are seeing 100s of calls/day at least (one of them might see 1000s, I don't track it), and I keep having to delete error_logs that pile up from database errors.


Stevie is also having an abnormal amount of 500 errors today. I normally hear from my monitoring service once a week at best (when I log into cpanel)...I've gotten 37 (!) emails today alone.


The error changed today,



Got error -1 from storage engine SQL=INSERT INTO `ynfc4_session` (`session_id`, `client_id`, `time`) VALUES ('dd084ac88f98342cff5e901221e9145e', 0, '1392845886')

Same here Wolstech. I have my WP Security setup so it emails me if I add content, update plugins etc, database backups every 5 days. It was sending me backups four times an hour at one point today so my phone was going nuts. I noticed I had tons of emails yesterday for backups etc. Which would explain why if the server crashed. When I was trying to fix it earlier MyPhpAdmin was being erratic would work one minute ,then crash the next. I managed to delete the error log on cpanel as that was ramping up the disk space the log was 200MB at one point so maxed my disk space when my website is 197/200 MB as when I would delete the error logs on Wordpress it would regenerate a few minutes later, hence getting bombarded with emails. Fingers crossed. It's all quiet now. Will have a look at it tomorrow.


Nice one!


I also have the following error on my webpage:


Got error -1 from storage engine SQL=INSERT INTO `igw65_session` (`session_id`, `client_id`, `time`) VALUES ('c257cce88c026868f667b9c31150170a', 0, '1392916358')


Website: http://mw-technologies.com/


Should I try to restore the database for myself (I have an old backup that I may try to use) or should I wait for the complete recovery of Stevie?


Thank you in advance.


What's going on guys! why are we continually getting connection error's? this has been happening for days and makes it very hard to try and run a website not to mention the effect it it has on your site reputation! can we get this fixed please!


we are on stevie server and domain is qcc4x4.com/smf/




Connection Problems

Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.


Tried to delete my comments table on my database today and yesterday as it contains 2 spam comments. Keep getting a #2013 error connection lost to server or request undefined. I tried to convert the table to IMySam on Tuesday it wouldn't do it kept getting an error. When I tried it just the server crashed when I tried to access the table to attempt to convert it again. I can't make changes on my wordpress dashboard as the database will not save the changes.

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