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  1. Hello I have the problem that I can't connect remotely to the postgres database I've made My connection parameters are database: iamdocto_cerbero user: iamdocto_root host: johnny.heliohost.org
  2. Hi team, I need remote access to the postgresql database from any ip. Server: tommy.heliohost.org Postgresql user: "ducquang_dev" Postgresql database: "ducquang_quanlychitieunhom" Thank you in advance
  3. Hello, staff of helionet. I'd gladly like an enabled postgresql remote access on my loveless account. Why I'm asking is because I got a error and I know its related to not me having remote access to postgresql Error: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "169.239--------", user "loveless", database "loveless_chipz", SSL off the host is: tommy.heliohost.org user: loveless database: loveless_chipz --In all I'd like to have remote access from any ip. Thank you mr.helionet
  4. Hi team, I need remote access to the postgresql database from any ip. Server: tommy.heliohost.org Postgresql user: "ducquang_main" Postgresql database: "ducquang_crowdworks" Thank you in advance
  5. Hi, Account: cardao91 @ tommy I'm trying to create a postgres database named "cardao91_rooksitio" but I receive a message saying the database already exists. Yet I do not see it, seems it's orphaned or something.
  6. Hi Helio Firstly thanks very much for the service. Secondly, I intend to test out PostgreSQL. Can you please allow me to connect to the PostgresDB from the outside? Details are: DB="cheepyth_helio", user="cheepyth_dbuser" IP connect from = ANY Server: johnny Thanks
  7. Hi I have created my Postgres database on johnny and am trying to use phppgadmin to create a postgis extension via SQL... without success. SQL error: ERROR: could not open extension control file "/usr/share/pgsql/extension/postgis.control": No such file or directory In statement: Create extension postgis; Is there something else I need to be doing? Thanks
  8. I cannot remotely connect to postgres database database: api-master username: api-master-user host: johnny.heliohost.org response I get : psql.bin: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "137.97.155.**", user "api-master-user", database "api-master", SSL on FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "137.97.155.**", user "api-master-user", database "api-master", SSL off
  9. Hello everyone, my problem is that I want to access my postgres database with pgAdmin 4. An Admin enebled remote access. But every time I try to connect to the server pgAdmin 4 gives me that problem promt: Unable to connect to server: received invalid response to SSL negotiation: H What can I do to connect to the server, any thoughts? I would be glad if anybody can help me. Have a nice christmas time.
  10. I want to access my postgres database with pgadmin 4. Database: knm505_techpro User: knm505_kim I would be glad if an admin could enable remote access for that, I need it for a school project. Thanks and have a nice christmas time.
  11. Hello, Am I eligible for allowing remote access to postgres?I am trying to work django ORM work. I tried MySQL but it doesn't work for me. if yes: username: patents_plrusr database: patents_plrdb user(off course): patents else: no worry.Access to all IPs needed as I dont have static IP.
  12. can activate remote access from my postgres database Dominio jhonysar.heliohost.org ip bd jhonysar_green-test user jhonysar jhonysar_greensys
  13. Hi Guys, Postgres not available from CPanel. User name bobspar1... Perhaps there is a place to see scheduled maintenance, or current issues, I don't know where to look for that, so not sure if its just my CPanel or maintenance. Thanks Bob
  14. I'm requesting access to my postgresql database in tommy server via pgadmin 4 for any ip that tries to connect to: database: iaconweb_ceymcodb username: iaconweb_user2
  15. I have this error when I try to connect to the database from localhost again pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host pg_connect("host=localhost user=ddanniel port=5432 dbname=ddanniel_uniway password=*****************") A few days ago the site fell for several hours and the same problem that had reappeared, I hope you can help me This is the page: http://uniway.helioh...gister_user.php And the full error message: <b>Warning</b>: pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "::1", user "ddanniel", database "ddanniel_uniway", SSL off in<b>/home/ddanniel/public_html/php/functions.php</b> on line <b>19</b><br />
  16. Hi, on a Postgres database (stevie) I want to create a readonly role which is just able to select from existing tables. I created a new user and linked it to the database via the cPanel GUI. Then I revoked all create privileges on schema level and insert, update privileges on table level. However this user still can create tables and manipulate them. I noticed that HelioHost has enabled inheritance and all "Users" have disabled privileges. SELECT * FROM pg_roles; So the question is: How can I revoke privileges to a created user? Thanks and best regards, Dante
  17. Hi all, I have a question for you: How can I backup my postgresql database?? Using backup wizard i can only save a mysql database So, how can i do that??
  18. Hi, I'm having a problem, in phpPgAdmin on Stevie there is a Login Loop. Meaning that the Interface infinitley try to login but nothing happens. Is it on me or is it a problem on stevie? I want to go from mysql to postgres due to the heavy load on mysql and the downtimes but without interface it will be difficult. Greetings fork
  19. Hi, I'm new on this server and I have some problem. I want to use postgresDB in PHP and I use PDO to achieve it. On my localhost that was simply, but here i have some problems. $db = new PDO('pgsql:host=localhost port=5432 dbname=NAME_OF_DB user=USER_NAME password=PASSWORD'); This statement work correct, but i get error "could not find driver". How can I add drivers to my account to solve the problem?
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