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  1. Username: oankali Server: johnny Domain: oankali.heliohost.org My account was suspended because I hadn't logged in during the past 30 days, which is fine, but when I tried to log in, it wouldn't accept my username/password. I tried to reset the password, but every time I pasted the confirmation string, nothing happened. I would really like to keep my domain, so how do I regain access? Thank you for your help!
  2. Hey guys, my account groovyca just got suspended and I've had a flood of emails in because it has to sign software in order for it to work - this last few weeks I've had a massive increase in users so I'm guessing I was probably using too much server resources Any suggestions on what I need to do? I'll look to pay for a service but I'm kind of losing money in the mean time :') Appreciate any help guys! Jake -- Also if you could give me some statistics on what I was actually using so I know what I'm going to need to pay for Thanks
  3. Hey! I am a fresh webmaster for group of 10 people who meet together and play roleplaying games. We decided to make ourselves a phpBB3 forum, and this is our 4th server where we live. Now, after... I dunno, maybe a week? - of getting here I see the information that my account (in title) has been suspended. What the zebra? Well, maybe 10 people is too much for one free account. Maybe we generate too much spam posting to each other. But at least! - let me to go into our ftp and mysql and take backup copy of working forum...
  4. Hi! Account: fleomikn Host: spandora.tk My account has been suspended. I think, the reason is, for a long time, i didn't use this. I've worked around and around to find the best free hosting service. But up to now, i think helionet.org is the best one, it supports almost all features that basic website service required. The only thing is the page-loading is so slow. So, a free account is not a good solution for business. I'm thinking about upgrating my account later. Up till now, i used helionet.org just for tesing some web platform/ apps. I've installed alot of things in my account just for testing later (because the pageload is so slow, and at least 24h, i could access my new installed app/domain mapping service). Of course, that will waste the sever's resource, i know that. If that's is the reason, so please reactivate my account, i'll release some resource to free the disk space. If you still decide turn off my account pemenently, that's OK! I'll think about hosting on heliohost later. But, at least, i hope you can reactivate my account, just only in 24h. I'll backup all data to my pc, then i'll delete my account after that. Many thanks!
  5. a: khnbali b: Stevie c: khnb.ir I have tried to reactivate the account, but can't seem to login. Tried resetting password, receive the email, but now doesn't accept the confirmation code. Thanks
  6. a: sunbird b: https://stevie.heliohost.org c: pcbsunbirdcondo.com Not sure why it is suspended. I originally got an email early this morning that I didn't log in in the past 30 days, but I have logged in a few times, making changes to my website. Then when I tried to reactivate, I get a message about possible reasons for suspension. I am sure I have not broken any rules. I have my log in page bookmarked. Am I logging in the wrong way and it is not showing me as logging in? Please fix this asap. pcbsunbird-rentals@yahoo.com Thank you, Linda
  7. HelioHost username: mamtekl server: stevie main domain: ethiopiandating.tk Hey, I found the error message for the main domain and the new domain that I installed yesterday is suspended. I don't understand what the problem is. and i need your help. Thank you in advance.
  8. a. your HelioHost username: islammem b. the server your account is on: Stevie c. your HelioHost main domain: islammem.cu.cc Hello everyone my account was Suspended because I used 500 mb hell once but that is not so I only have about 50 mb I used only host wordpress and phpbb3 I hope someone can help me thanks in advance, p.s. sorry for my bad english i come from the Netherlands
  9. My account is suspended due to high server load. I tried my best to reduce the load but still ended up in suspension :(/> I request you to please recover it. Thanks. Username: pakcric Server: stevie Domain: http://opendp.de.vu Thanks!
  10. my account has suspended user : Hibbe i need to make back-up of the archives :c
  11. HelioHost username : baibav The server : Stevie HelioHost main domain : http://dlgen.heliohost.org
  12. I have my log in bookmarked with my password/user saved. I log in at least once a month if not more, but still alwasy get the site is suspended email. I click the link and reactivate, but is there something else I should be doing to stop from having to do this every month? thank you
  13. Hi! I am the webmaster of vnmart.org. I've been so busy for a long time, after setup the site. So, please reactive my account. I'm not a spammer. name: vnmart domain: vnmart.org Best regard, thanks.
  14. Hello, One of my site which was hosted at HelioHost is suspended. I am already a member of HelioHost since last 2 years. Could anyone please let me know what going wrong. So i'll fix it from my end and continue my hosting with HelioHost. UserName: rohit007 Domain: http://mr-hitech.tk/ Thank You.
  15. Hello. My name is Bryan Parks. I have had my account suspended and I think I have botched the reset process.. May I have my account re-activated, please. Thank you for your wonderful service and everything that you do for our community. - Bryan Parks (removed email for privacy) ..I figured out that there was a Reactivate link and was able to take care of this myself (sheepish grin). Thanks again for a wonderful serivce!
  16. Hello, My account hosted at Johnny HelioHost server is suspended. I have there my website containing html, JPEG and jQuery scripts. I logged in regulary. I need to know why account is suspended and how to reverse proccess. UserName: pavelski Domain: pavelski01.heliohost.org Thanks.
  17. username : iganteng[/ server : stevie[/font] main domain : helixdex.tk[/font] why my account is suspended ? :mellow:/>[/font]
  18. username : kangtomo server : johnny main domain : secondserver.tk
  19. Please help me!! My account is suspended and I don't know why...? Please recover it asap Username: pakcric Server: stevie Domain: http://opendp.de.vu Thanks!
  20. a. username : fleksan b. stevie c. fleksan.com Why is my account suspended?
  21. username=crevbh server=stevie domain=crevalcore.com.br The account was suspended for inactivity. After trying to reset password, I was asked to contact customer support
  22. Username: bojjen Server: Stevie Main domain: http://bojjenclon.heliohost.org
  23. Hello Heliohost Admin, My account bigfoll is suspended and i'm not able to log in to my account by using my password. Please make my account active. because I need to backup a file at that account Username : bigfoll Server : Stevie Domain : bigfollow.cf Thanks
  24. hello, my account tarungyp is suspended and i am not able to log in to my account by using my password. please make my account active so that i can reset my password. username: tarungyp server: Stevie domain: www.getyourproject.com Regards Tarun Sitlani
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