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Everything posted by maicol07

  1. Hi, could you install Imagick extension on PHP 7.3 on Tommy? Thanks
  2. Hi, Could you install iconv extension on Tommy (PHP 5.6)? Thanks
  3. Hi, Is it possible to enable 2FA Auth on Tommy CPanel? I remember that was a feature of the previous Tommy... Thanks
  4. Hi, Could you install the gettext extension on Tommy (PHP 7.3)? Thanks
  5. Yeah, I've seen 403 errors on my websites
  6. Woah is it taking so much time?
  7. @Byron any news? My account is still on Ricky
  8. SSH access is disabled for security reasons. You can look for a 3rd party provider that sync your files with git or uploading manually files (either by FTP or File Manager)
  9. Hi, My account has not been transferred to Tommy (I was there before the crash). Can you transfer me? Thanks
  10. Yeah, you're right!
  11. Yeah, maybe it's better to do this on Tommy when it's rebuilt as I'll move there
  12. Hi, could you install these python modules for Python 3.6 on Ricky? Django>=1.11,<2.0; python_version < '3.0' Django>=1.11; python_version >= '3.0' siphashc>=0.8 Whoosh>=2.7.0 translate-toolkit==2.4.0 lxml>=3.5,!=4.3.1 backports.csv; python_version < '3.0' Pillow bleach>=3.1.0 six>=1.7.0 python-dateutil social-auth-core>=3.1.0 social-auth-app-django>=3.1.0 django-crispy-forms>=1.6.1 oauthlib>=3.0.0 django_compressor>=2.1.1 djangorestframework>=3.8 defusedxml>=0.4 django-appconf>=1.0 user-agents>=1.1.0 filelock>=3.0.1 setuptools jellyfish>=0.6.1 openpyxl>=2.6.0 celery>=4.0 celery-batches>=0.2 translation-finder>=1.4 pathlib2; python_version < '3.4' html2text>=2018.1.9 pycairo>=1.10.0 pygobject>=3.14.0 diff-match-patch==20181111 requests django-redis hiredis phply>=1.2.3 akismet>=1.0 psycopg2-binary aeidon>=1.2.1; python_version > '3.0' zeepThanks
  13. @sohamb03 https://forums.cpanel.net/threads/problem-with-automatically-generated-self-signed-ssl-certificates.592415/
  14. It has an auto signed certificate (I think created by CPanel)
  15. Does Ricky Apache restarted? Because AutoSSL didn't run...
  16. The same for maicol07.tk
  17. It seems it didn't work...
  18. @Byron I've forgotten two domains: interrogazioni programmate.tk and school-life-diary.tk Could you clear them?
  19. Thank you. I hope I will keep it when moving to Tommy!
  20. Yes, I will go back to Tommy but my backup is more than 1000 MB
  21. On Tommy I've had double space, should I have it also on this account?
  22. How much time does normally an account spend to be created?
  23. Thank you. I've completed the sign up, now my account will be created
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