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Everything posted by jje

  1. jje

    Bonus Features

    Yes, HelioHost used to have 'Helions', which were like bonus points for users. However, these points could be used to increase limitations, although we have already made bandwidth, databases, domains (etc) unlimited so there was really no point for Helions to continue.
  2. Okay, I have backed up your public_html folder and will PM you the zipped file in a moment. Please can you PM me your database name, username and password to me so I can give you that.
  3. Yes, all files located in /public_html is public and is visible to the open. Everything in / are system folders or private folders. Try connecting again in approximately 10 minutes; FTP might be experiencing a temporary downtime. Would you like to have a fresh Joomla install? If so, go into cPanel and select 'Softaculous'. From the 'Portals/CMS' list, select Joomla. Follow the wizard to install it, and your done. You don't even need to use FTP!
  4. Just wait for djbob now. However, if you like, I can compress your sites files and let you download it, just incase. Would you like me to do this?
  5. Yup - everything should be working now!
  6. Do you have two accounts? If so, could you provide the other account's details? According to the database, host1x is in the database and is Inactive (in the queue for deletion). I can delete the account manually for you if you like so you can try again? The code that I ran at Stevie specified the following Username: host1x Addon Domain: x-creations.co.nzIs this correct?
  7. Your ISP might have been caching the page, which was out of your control.
  8. I think I feel a poll coming on....! http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=9666
  9. There are a variety of free domain services like .CO.CC and .TK available to users, not forgetting the standard HelioHost domains. Therefore, I was wondering what you guys think is the best domain to use, considering length and setup in your choice.
  10. Yeah, to be honest, I don't really like Flash either. The problem is that some websites rely on Flash and you can't use the website without it, which can be really annoying on iOS.
  11. Please can we stress to all users that this topic is only for suspended sites, NOT queued sites. Also, this topic should only be used if you are experiencing a scenario described on the first post. Please create a new topic if your problem does not fit the above criteria. Thank you
  12. Okay, I matched the permissions as best as I could. It doesn't seem to have worked though. In the process, I noticed a couple more differences: - missing 'access-logs' and 'public-ftp' folders - the details of the 'etc' folder says 'mail' instead of 'blacksta' - the details of the 'public_html' folder says 'nobody' instead of 'blacksta'
  13. Yep, we usually delete the addon domain when that error shows up. The addon domain 'x-creations.co.nz' has now been deleted. You may now recreate your addon domain.
  14. He can't, since he can't access cPanel or FTP. I'll do it as soon as I get back to my home PC.
  15. @djbob - Do we escalate these or suspend them ourselves?
  16. Glad your problem got solved! Please spare 2 minutes to fill in our quick survey: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=8947 Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated
  17. How would this make a difference? Yeah, I heard dot.tk is a great service!
  18. I only use iOS, though I think it is the best mobile operating system to use anyway. The only improvement would be to enable Flash.
  19. Great job in solving the issue, cl58!
  20. Yeah, my job would be boring if everything worked perfectly all the time. That's probably why I am an administrator at a free webhost. Still, I try to resolve any issues as soon as I can.
  21. I can delete your addon domain so you can have a fresh start if you like?
  22. It's solved now; I see a vBulletin installation in your page.
  23. Sorry, I forgot about this. Thanks for the reminder. I SSH'ed in and took a look at your files and permissions: root@stevie [~]# ls -l /home1/blacksta total 20 drwxr-x--- 2 blacksta mail 4096 Feb 23 06:34 etc/ drwxrwx--- 8 blacksta blacksta 4096 Jun 2 21:12 mail/ drwxr-x--- 13 blacksta nobody 4096 May 14 04:34 public_html/ drwx------ 4 blacksta blacksta 4096 May 16 01:45 ssl/ drwxr-xr-x 3 blacksta blacksta 4096 Feb 18 06:08 tmp/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 blacksta blacksta 11 Feb 18 05:28 www -> public_html/ I tried it on a working Area52 account, and the permissions look greater, as well as a missing access-logs folder: root@stevie [~]# ls -l /home1/area52 total 20 lrwxrwxrwx 1 area52 area52 30 Apr 5 18:18 access-logs -> /usr/local/apache/domlogs/info drwxr-xr-x 2 area52 area52 4096 Apr 3 06:56 etc/ drwxr-x--- 10 area52 area52 4096 Jun 1 10:28 mail/ drwxr-xr-x 3 area52 area52 4096 Apr 3 06:56 public_ftp/ drwxr-xr-x 16 area52 area52 4096 Jun 5 10:21 public_html/ drwxr-xr-x 8 area52 area52 4096 Jun 5 10:01 tmp/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 area52 area52 11 Apr 5 18:18 www -> public_html/
  24. I see your site fine; try clearing your cache?
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