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Tex Killer

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Everything posted by Tex Killer

  1. Thank you very much! Looking at the access logs it seems the site was attacked, as it had over 10 times the usual load on 04/02 only. I understand that things like these damage every other user of HelioHost, and for that I am sorry. I have moved that site to another hosting provider, and will do the same for any other WP site I have hosted here. Again, thank you all very much for the excelent services you have provided all those years! And thank you, wolstech, for helping me with this issue!
  2. HelioHost username: texk Server the account is on: Tommy HelioHost main domain: texk.heliohost.org
  3. Yes, I can. I'll try to figure out why that is happening and prevent it. Thank you very much!
  4. Ok, so it seems it was not some random unlucky ban. My IP is banned once again. I'll try and find out why that is happening, and fix it. Meanwhile, can somebody "unban" my IP again? Thank you all very much!
  5. I see... Is there a way for me to make sure every connection is properly closed? How does a connection stay open?
  6. Yes, I can. What happened?
  7. Hello. It has been a couple days that I can't open anything related to Stevie from my home (cPanel, my site, etc). At first I thought it was some instability on the server side, but now I've tried to get to Stevie's cPanel using a proxy and it worked, so it seems that my IP is blocked. My account: texl My main domain: texl.heliohost.org Is that the case? Why was my IP blocked? Thanks!
  8. Yes, it is. I think I understand now why that happened. One of the DELETE querys I ran was very poorly designed, and had to execute an expensive subquery for every row of a 2 million row table. I rewrote it now to prevent that from happening again. Thank you very much!
  9. My cPanel username is texl My main domain is texl.heliohost.org
  10. Hello. I have dropped some indexes and managed to reduce the database size to about 400 MB on my local server, but now my HelioHost sites are giving the 500 error, and phpPgAdmin is not accessible (ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE). It has been like that since yesterday. What happened? Thanks!
  11. I think you didn't see my "Edit" on the previous post (maybe you had the post open before I edited it). It seems the overhead comes mostly from indexes. I'll be experimenting here to see if I can drop some indexes and simplify some others to reduce space usage without affecting performance too much. Thank you very much for your help!
  12. Database dropped. The uncompressed SQL dump file was 213 MB when exported with the "COPY" option from phpPgAdmin. Using the standard "INSERT" it got to 340 MB instead, also uncompressed. Any of the two options, after compressing using GZip, took about 35 MB. The compressed "INSERT" variant was used on the import proccess. I have no idea why phpPgAdmin said the database was using 840 MB... I though the database itself would weight less than the size of the uncompressed dump files, since it doesn't have to store commands and SQL sintaxes, only the data. Even if the database were to weight 340 MB, I would have cleaned up some space and it would have been fine. That is why I was asking if the database size reported by phpPgAdmin is reliable, since it is much bigger than the dump files. This database has information about political expenses from some of my country's politics (Brazil). This information was collected from open public APIs privided by the government itself, and the database was meant to help us audit it and search for possible irregularities. I'm volunteering my help to a group that does that, and I have recently developed a script to collect this information and store it in the database. I'll try to find some other server to host the database, then. Do you know of any that is also free and would accept this ammount of data? Edit: After trying to figure out where the space was being used, I can see now that the raw data uses no more than 250 MB, but the indexes are quite big. I'll experiment a bit changing the indexes and seeing if I can reduce the database size without affecting performance too much. Maybe I'll manage to fit the database here after all. Thanks!
  13. I should drop the imported database, then? And try to find some other database server to host it? Do you know how reliable phpPgAdmin's estimate of the database size is? I know the SQL file itself doesn't come even close to that number.
  14. I'm on Stevie, actually. phpPgAdmin is back now, but I'm using a custom php script to load the compressed SQL dump. I had made this script back in 2014 and forgot I had it, lol. The import is almost done, and the space usage on cPanel is almost the same as it was before. Is that usage cached? How long does it take to be updated? Edit: Well, the dump is now completely imported, but the space usage on the cPanel is still the same. I don't think the database size affects that at all. phpPgAdmin is showing a size of 840 MB for the imported database. Is that stored by default in a filesystem that supports transparent compression and has it enabled?
  15. Well, I would have tried if I could access phpPgAdmin. It has been offline for the last few hours, though. Is the server down or something?
  16. So, I have a 213 MB SQL dump of my local database, but I don't know how I should go about uploading and importing it. phpPgAdmin doesn't seem to support the execution of compressed sql files, so am I supposed to upload the 213 MB file to it? Wouldn't that fill the empty space I have left, and prevent postgreSQL from importing the dump? Much obliged!
  17. Yeah, that is why I use PostgreSQL here on HelioHost. I'll experiment a bit and see if the space I have left is enough. Thank you very much!
  18. Hello! First of all, thank all of you very much for the awesome service! I want to know how big does a database have to be to be considered "too much"? I have a database with a few million entries, and I don't know if I am allowed to try and upload it to HelioHost. If I am allowed, I would be using PostgreSQL, but it would be nice to know if there is any difference between MySQL and PostgreSQL in regards to the resources. I could port the database to MySQL if that would be better. Thanks again!
  19. Thank you very much!
  20. Well, none right now, as I couldn't yet register it as an Addon Domain. That is what I am trying to do.
  21. Hello! I got to set up two .eu.org domains today on my account (texl), and could only do that through a complicated chain of actions: 1) Set up a DNS zone on ClouDNS for the domain; 2) Request the domain using the zone created; 3) Once aproved, change the main domain of my account to the approved domain, so the heliohost nameservers would start handling it; 4) Change the nameservers to be the heliohost ones (wouldn't work before setting as main domain); 5) Change my main domain back to what it was before; 6) Add the domain as an addon domain. I was able to make the first domain work like this, but when I get to step 6 on the second domain I am getting this error: "The domain “semulapi.eu.org” already exists in the Apache configuration." I guess all this juggling of domains and nameservers might have messed up with the apache configurations. I tried deleting the DNS zone entries related to the domain to see if the error would go away, but it didn't. Could you guys help out? As always, thank you very much for the awesome service!
  22. Tex Killer

    New Server

    Hello. Are you guys planning on updating the cPanel version on this new server? It would be amazing to have SNI support, available on newer versions. Regardless, thank you very much for the awesome service!
  23. So, I've just logged in again on Google Chrome. Could you check again if the login was registered? Thank you very much!
  24. I have now included an explanation on my Java request. Thank you very much for your time!
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