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Tex Killer

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Everything posted by Tex Killer

  1. Thank you! Will do! Too bad now there are 15 people before me on the Java request. Anything I could do about that?
  2. Before doing that, I would like to know if it works when I log into the cPanel using Google Chrome without AdBlock (instead of Mozilla Firefox with AdBlock on previous attempts). I have just logged in now. Could you check if the login was recognized? Thank you all very much!
  3. I do use AdBlock on my browser, but how can it mess with the cPanel logins? I made sure the login was sucessful every time. Could someone check if my login attempts (listed on OP) were accounted for? By the way, my texj account has no load, as I was doing nothing else but wait for the Java support. Thank you very much!
  4. Hello. First and foremost, my account is no longer suspended (I've used the script on Google Chrome, it worked), but I had to create this topic anyway. Here is why: I was waiting for Java support on my account since January 6, and was loging into the Johnny cPanel frequently to avoid suspension. I am certain I did log into the Johnny cPanel on days 01/04, 01/12, 01/18 and 01/29, so I would be "inactive" for only 4 days now. I know that because I have the cpanel on my browser's history, and I remember loging in at the 29th to make sure my account wouldn't be suspended before I got Java support. My request was denied, and I was told that my account was suspended for inactivity. Can somebody tell me how that happened? Is loging into the cpanel not enough to avoid suspension? Thank you!
  5. HelioHost username: texl (Stevie) and texj (Johnny) HelioHost main domain: texkiller.tk (Stevie) and tentativa.tk (Johnny) By the way, the renew script seems to be still broken. I remember having the same problem a few months ago. What is going on? Thank you very much! Edit: I think someone has already unsuspended my accounts, so thank you! But now I know the renew script works on Google Chrome! I thought it was broken all around, but guess not. Next time I'll just use Google Chrome to unsuspend, if I need to. Thank you all very much!
  6. Thank you very much!
  7. HelioHost username: texl Server: Stevie Main domain: texkiller.tk I've tried using the "account renew" script, but it seems to be broken, as it just sits there "Searching for account...".
  8. I also don't know why I was marked as inactive to begin with, since I have logged into the cPanel a few days before the problem... But I'll wait.
  9. Username: texl Server: Stevie Main domain: texkiller.tk So... my account doesn't seem to be suspended, as I can log into the cPanel alright, but all my domains are displaying the "suspended page" and won't function. What gives? Thank you!
  10. So... it seems it is no longuer queued. Thanks!
  11. Username: texj Server: Johnny Main domain: tentativa.tk Thanks!
  12. Hey, sorry for double posting here, but I think if I were to just edit the last post you guys would not see it... So, I've managed to register on Johnny, but I've been waiting for two days now, and whenever I try to access the domain it says my account is still queued. Could you guys take a look? My Johnny user is texj and my domain is tentativa.tk Thank you very much! Edit: It seems to be working now... Thanks!
  13. Thank you very much, Byron! It is the second time you help me out here, you are very good!
  14. Hello. I have an account on Stevie and it is working great. Thanks for the great server! The thing is, I have an idea for creating a web develpment platform to integrate multiple languages, and Stevie only has PHP. I would like to give that idea a try on Johnny (I reckon it has support for ASP and JSP too, right?), but I can't afford to lose my Stevie account. So I want to ask you guys to have a second account on Johnny, while keeping my main account on Stevie. Is that possible? Thanks again!
  15. On account of the access denied errors, I solved it once by changing my account's password on cPanel, allowing MySQL password to change. I don't know about the other error, though.
  16. All I'm getting is the 1040 error (Too many connections) whenever I try to use the database. Based on what I see on the monitor, I guess there was a crash on the server some hours ago. Is that the reason?
  17. The issue is solved now, with the help of Krydos (thanks). If someone else is having the same issue, try changing your account's password, allowing the MySQL password to change too. It appears that sometimes the MySQL and cPanel passwords get messed up, or something like that. Thank you all
  18. I'm still not able to connect to MySQL databases. Can somebody help, please?
  19. I have used my username and password to login to the cPanel. I assume the "root" account is what phpMyAdmin uses, since it logs in automatically once I'm logged on the cPanel. Anyway, phpBB on my site is using it's own account and also gets access denied, look here: http://comuno.tk/
  20. Hi My account was suspended for some hours and now it was unsuspended (by the way, thank you Tjoene). But now I can't access my databases. Even on phpMyAdmin I get "#1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) ". What happened there? Thank you
  21. Now I can't login on cPanel, when I access my domains I get a message saying that my account was suspended, the status script says "Your account has been created and you can now login", the renew script says "We're sorry, but we either could not find that account in the database, or it is not listed as inactive.", the FTP says that authentication has failed... What happened? My login is texl, my account is on Stevie, my main domain is texkiller.tk Edit: I was able to request a password change, and I got the e-mail with the code, but when I enter the code or click the links on the e-mail, it just comes back to asking the code again, without doing anything. Can somebody help me?
  22. Hello I'm getting this error for more than an hour now. Could this be caused by having the /dev/sda3 full? On the server status page of my cPanel it says: Disk /dev/sda3 (/usr) 100 % So that seems to be the reason. If it is, is there a way I can solve it? I don't know if any of my files (that I can delete) are stored there. Thanks
  23. Yeah, I know... Thank you very much for your help!
  24. Ok, now my account is queued for deletion. Thanks
  25. But how can I delete it without this new password? As I've said before, I can't change the password. I need either the new password sent to my e-mail, or that you guys fix the script that changes it.
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